
Uporaba različnih metod za čiščenje tekstilnih odpadnih vod
ID Polak, Lucija (Author), ID Kalčikova, Gabriela (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Okolje dnevno onesnažujejo odpadne vode iz različnih industrij. Odpadne vode iz tekstilne industrije so problematične predvsem zato, ker vsebujejo kompleksne in težko biorazgradljive snovi. V okviru magistrskega dela smo preverjali učinkovitost čiščenja izbrane tekstilne odpadne vode z različnimi biološkimi, kemijskimi in fizikalno-kemijskimi metodami. V prvi fazi smo preizkusili možnost biološkega čiščenja, ki predstavlja najboljšo rešitev. Pri tem smo ugotovili, da izbrana odpadna voda ni biološko razgradljiva in je ne moremo očistiti s konvencionalnim postopkom biološkega čiščenja. Uporaba nekonvencionalnega biološkega čiščenja z glivo Dichomitus squalens in njenimi encimi je bila bolj učinkovita kot konvencionalno biološko čiščenje. Glavni mehanizem odstranjevanja onesnaževal je bila adsorpcija na glivno biomaso. Kot primerni rešitvi sta se izkazala procesa koagulacije in Fentonove oksidacije. S prvim smo dosegli 70-odstotno učinkovitost glede na zmanjšanje vrednosti TOC, z drugim pa 61-odstotno. Za dosego boljših rezultatov bi bila potrebna nadaljnja optimizacija obeh procesov.

Keywords:biorazgradljivost, Dichomitus squalens, Fentonova oksidacija, koagulacija, tekstilna odpadna voda
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125799 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:59359491 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.04.2021
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Title:The application of different methods for treatment of textile wastewater
The environment is polluted by wastewaters from various industries. Wastewaters from the textile industry are problematic mainly because they contain complex and non-readily biodegradable substances. In this master’s thesis, we assessed the efficiency of different biological, chemical and physicochemical methods in the treatment of textile wastewater. In the first phase, we evaluated the efficiency of biological treatment, which represents the best option. We determined that the conventional biological treatment was not efficient due to the low biodegradability of the wastewater. However, we decided to also carry out the unconventional biological treatment, using the fungus Dichomitus squalens and its enzymes. It demonstrated greater efficiency than the conventional biological treatment. The main removal mechanism seems to be the adsorption of pollutants on fungal biomass. Coagulation and Fenton oxidation proved to be appropriate solutions. After coagulation, 70% of TOC was removed, while Fenton oxidation removed 61% of TOC. To obtain better results, further optimization of both processes is required.

Keywords:biodegradability, Dichomitus squalens, Fenton oxidation, coagulation, textile wastewater

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