
Upodobitve Sankt Peterburga v ruski literaturi od 1750 do 1950
ID Osterc, Vanja (Author), ID Kos, Matevž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Mesta Sankt Peterburg se je praktično od nastanka držala bogata literarna tradicija, ki se je v obdobju Puškinovega romantizma razvila v povsem drugačno smer. Puškin je v pesnitvi Bronasti jezdec Sankt Peterburg upodobil drugače, kakor so ga v svojih delih upodabljali njegovi predhodniki. Njegova literarna invencija je tesno povezana s t.i. »peterburškim tekstom«, značilnim za nadaljnje ustvarjanje Gogolja, Dostojevskega in Belega. Šele s pojavom »peterburškega teksta« je bila Sankt Peterburgu dodeljena posebna vloga, ki je ruski literaturi pustila neizbrisen pečat. Magistrsko delo primerjalno raziskuje raznovrstne aspekte literarne upodobitve Sankt Peterburga in razkriva, zakaj je prav mesto, kakršno je Sankt Peterburg, doživelo toliko različnih interpretacij. Obenem se postavlja vprašanje, ali je sprememba peterburške literarne tradicije povezana s spontano umetniško namero ali pa je zanjo obstajal tehtnejši razlog, ki je izviral iz pomembnejših zgodovinskih okoliščin in različnih dogodkov iz zgodovine mesta.

Keywords:ruska književnost, imagologija, Sankt Peterburg, Puškin, Bronasti jezdec, romantizem, »peterburški tekst«, literarna tradicija.
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125708 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.04.2021
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Title:Images of St. Petersburg in Russian literature from 1750 to 1950
Practically since the founding of the city, St. Petersburg has adhered to a rich literary tradition that reached new levels during the period of Pushkin's romanticism. In his poem The Bronze Horseman, Pushkin portrayed St. Petersburg in a way completely different from his predecessors. His literary invention is closely connected with the so called "Petersburg text", known from further creations of Gogol, Dostoevsky and Bely. It was only with the appearance of the "Petersburg text" that St. Petersburg was assigned a special role, which left an enduring mark on Russian literature. The purpose of my research is to compare various aspects of the literary depiction of St. Petersburg and to reveal why a city like St. Petersburg has experienced so many different interpretations. At the same time, I want to find out whether the qualitative change in St. Petersburg’s literary tradition is linked to spontaneous artistic intent, or whether there was a more compelling reason for it, stemming from historical circumstances and various urban events.

Keywords:Russian literature, Imagology, Sankt Petersburg, Pushkin, The Bronze Horseman, romanticism, "Petersburg text", literary tradition.

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