
Ocena nadzemnega dela zeliščne in grmovne biomase v smrekovih sestojih na Gorenjskem : magistrsko delo - (magistrski študij - 2. stopnja)
ID Kusterle, Tjaša (Author), ID Kadunc, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen magistrske naloge je bil oceniti suho biomaso nadzemnega dela zeliščne in grmovne vegetacije v smrekovih sestojih na Pokljuki s pomočjo neposredne metode: z rezanjem, sušenjem in tehtanjem rastlin ter raziskati odvisnost biomase zeliščne in grmovne vegetacije od različnih dejavnikov sestoja in okolja. Ugotovili smo, da je povprečna suha biomasa nadzemnega dela vegetacije v zeliščni plasti znašala 8,1 g/m2, če so v povprečju vključeni še grmi v grmovni plasti pa 12,6 g/m2. Kadar je suha biomasa nadzemnega dela preučevanih lesnatih rastlin manjša od 130 g/m2, ne vpliva na suho biomaso nadzemnega dela zelnatih rastlin, kadar pa je večja od 130 g/m2, pa nanjo vpliva negativno. Multipli linearni regresijski model je pokazal, da je suha biomasa zeliščne in grmovne vegetacije odvisna od naslednjih dejavnikov sestoja in okolja: rastišča, višine dreves, sklepa in ekspozicije, medtem ko ni odvisna od nadmorske višine, skalovitosti, naklona, temeljnice in lesne zaloge. Podali smo linearne in nelinearne regresijske modele s katerimi smo prikazali zvezo med suho biomaso naslednjih morfoloških skupin v zeliščni plasti: trav, zelišč, nizkih grmov in praproti ter pokrovnostjo, višino in fitovolumnom omenjenih morfoloških skupin. Vzorčna napaka ocene vegetacije v zeliščni plasti je manjša od dvajsetih odstotkov v primeru, da so bile meritve suhe biomase vegetacije ponovljene na več kot 382 ploskvah velikih 1 m2.

Keywords:nadzemni del biomase, zeliščna vegetacija, grmovna vegetacija, Picea abies (L.) Karst, dejavniki sestoja, dejavniki okolja, Pokljuka
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publication status:Published
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Kusterle]
Number of pages:X f., 84 f., [3] f. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125640 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:4165030 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Biomass estimation of above-ground herbal and shrub vegetation in spruce stands in Gorenjska region : M. Sc. Thesis - (Master Study Programmes)
The purpose of master's thesis was to estimate dry biomass of above ground herbaceous and shrub vegetation in spruce stands in Pokljuka with direct method: cutting, drying and weighing plants and to investigate how herbaceous and shrub biomass is dependent from several stand and site factors. Results showed that average dry biomass of above ground vegetation in herbal layer amounted to 8.1 g/m2, if this average includes dry biomass of shrubs in shrub layer it amounted to 12.6 g/m2. When above ground dry biomass of woody plants weighed less than 130 g/m2 it did not affect above ground dry biomass of herbaceous plants, when above ground dry biomass of woody plants weighted more than 130 g/m2 it did have negative effect on above ground dry biomass of herbal plants. Multiple linear regression model demonstrated that dry biomass of above ground herbal and shrub vegetation depended on association, tree height, canopy cover and exposition, meanwhile it did not depend on the rockiness, altitude, slope, basal area and growing stock. We presented linear and nonlinear regression models that demonstrated the relationship between dry biomass of morphological plant groups in herbal layer: grasses, herbs, low shrubs and ferns and cover, height and phytovolume of mentioned groups. Sample error of above ground biomass in herbal layer estimation was less than 20 % when biomass was measured on more than 382 plots measuring one square meter.

Keywords:above-ground biomass, herbal vegetation, shrub vegetation, Picea abies (L.) Karst, stand factors, site factors, Pokljuka

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