
Telerehabilitacija na področju logopedije in surdopedagogike
ID Lukman, Anja (Author), ID Kogovšek, Damjana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Novšak Brce, Jerneja (Comentor)

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Telerehabilitacija omogoča (re)habilitacijo otrok oz. odraslih ljudi z govorno-jezikovnimi motnjami, motnjami požiranja in izgubo sluha, ki iz različnih razlogov ne morejo dostopati do logopeda-surdopedagoga. Storitve potekajo preko informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije, pri tem pa sta terapevt in klient krajevno in/ali časovno ločena. V empiričnem delu smo z dvema anketnima vprašalnikoma na vzorcu 102 strokovnih delavcev (logopedov-surdopedagogov, specialnih in rehabilitacijskih pedagogov, psihologov, fizioterapevtov in delovnih terapevtov) in 39 staršev oz. skrbnikov s kvantitativnim raziskovalnim pristopom ter deskriptivno metodo raziskovanja analizirali stališča, poznavanje in uporabo telerehabilitacije na področju logopedije in surdopedagogike. Raziskava je pokazala, da strokovni delavci pri svojem delu v povprečju pogosto uporabljajo informacijsko-komunikacijsko tehnologijo, pri rezultatih se pojavljajo razlike glede na starost, delovno mesto in mesto zaposlitve. Oboji imajo v povprečju dober dostop do tehnologije, potrebne za telerehabilitacijo. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se strokovni delavci ne čutijo dovolj kompetentni za izvajanje telerehabilitacije in razkrivajo željo po dodatnem znanju. Tako kot večina staršev ni vključila otroka v proces nudenja telerehabilitacijskih storitev, tako tudi večina strokovnih delavcev še ni izvajala telerehabilitacije. Tisti, ki so sodelovali v telerehabilitaciji, poročajo, da je ta potekala v primeru jezikovnih, artikulacijskih in motoričnih govornih motenj, v večini preko asinhronih tehnologij. Analiza prednosti in slabosti, ki so jih navedli anketiranci, razkriva, da med deleži ni statistično značilnih razlik (p < 0,05). Velik delež anketirancev je odgovarjal na vprašanja na podlagi teoretičnega znanja, saj je le majhen del obojih že izvajal oz. sodeloval v telerehabilitaciji in tako lahko podal odgovore na podlagi lastnih izkušenj. Zbrani podatki so pokazali, da več kot polovica strokovnih delavcev in staršev nima znanja o telerehabilitaciji, tisti, ki ga imajo, so ga v večini pridobili z lastnim izobraževanjem. Starši menijo, da je telerehabilitacija najbolj primerna v primeru prevelike oddaljenosti od klienta, strokovni delavci pa bi jo uporabili v primeru posveta s klientom/skrbnikom ter za obravnavo jezikovnih motenj. Naprej raziskava kaže bolj pozitivna stališča v zvezi s telerehabilitacijo s strani strokovnih delavcev, podrobnejša analiza je razkrila statistično značilne razlike (p < 0,05) pri več trditvah. Telerehabilitacija v slovenskem prostoru še ni razširjena, zato želimo s spoznanji magistrskega dela pripomoči k boljši ozaveščenosti strokovnjakov in širše javnosti ter vplivati na morebitna nadaljnja raziskovanja, razvoj in uporabo v Sloveniji.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125559 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:57029891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.04.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Telerehabilitation at speech-language pathology
Telerehabilitation enables (re-)habilitation of children and adults with speech and language disorders, swallowing disorders and hearing loss who, for various reasons, cannot access a speech-language therapist. The services are provided through information and communication technology, with the therapist and the client being separated locally and / or in time. The empirical part of the research is based on two questionnaires with a sample of 102 professionals (speech-language therapist, special and rehabilitation pedagogues, psychologists, physiotherapists and occupational therapists) and 39 parents or caregivers with a quantitative research approach and a descriptive research method to analyze the views, knowledge and use of telerehabilitation in the field of speech-language therapy. The research showed that professionals often use information and communication technology in their work, and the results show differences according to age, job and place of employment. Both have, on average, good access to the technology needed for telerehabilitation. The results of the research showed that professionals do not feel competent enough to perform telerehabilitation and reveal a desire for additional knowledge. Just as most parents did not involve their children in the process of providing telerehabilitation services, so most professionals have not yet performed telerehabilitation. Those involved in telerehabilitation report that it took place in the case of language, articulation, and motor speech disorders, mostly through asynchronous technologies. The analysis of the advantages and disadvantages mentioned by the respondents reveals that there are no statistically significant differences between the groups (p < 0.05). A large proportion of respondents answered questions based on theoretical knowledge, as only a small part of both have already implemented or participated in telerehabilitation and were thus able to provide answers based on their own experience. The data collected showed that more than half of professionals and parents do not have knowledge of telerehabilitation: those who have it have mostly acquired it through their own education. Parents are of the opinion that telerehabilitation is most appropriate in the case of excessive distance from the client, and professionals would use it in the case of consultation with the client / guardian and to address language disorders. Further, the research shows more positive attitudes regarding telerehabilitation by professionals: a more detailed analysis revealed statistically significant differences (p < 0.05) in several claims. Telerehabilitation is not yet widespread in Slovenia, so we want to use the findings of this master's thesis to help raise the awareness of professionals and the general public and influence possible further research, development and use in Slovenia.


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