
Izdelava celostne grafične podobe za turistično nastanitev v Goriških Brdih
ID Prinčič, Sara (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo se osredotoča na izdelavo celostne grafične podobe za apartmajsko nastanitev v Goriških brdih. Teoretični del najprej opisuje turizem v Sloveniji in v Goriških brdih kot podlago, ki kasneje pomaga pri postavitvi celostne grafične podobe. Najprej je opisan razvoj turizma v Sloveniji, nato pa se začne posvečati turizmu in kulturi v Goriških brdih. Turizem in kultura se med seboj tesno povezujeta, zato ju pri ustvarjanju podobe apartmajev v tem okolišu ne gre zanemariti. Drugi del teoretičnega dela opisuje celostno grafično podobo. Najprej opišemo in poudarimo prednosti celostne podobe in kako ta vpliva na prodajo, nato pa potek izdelave. Ta je sestavljen najprej iz oblikovanja logotipa, ki je osnova vsake znamke, nato sledi izbor pisave in barv. Primarnim grafičnim elementom sledi še izdelava sekundarnih, na primer razne tiskovine. V eksperimentalnem delu je predstavljen celoten postopek izdelave celostne grafične podobe za apartmajsko ponudbo v Goriških brdih. Z namenom izdelave dobre celostne grafične podobe je najprej opisan raziskovalni problem ter predstavljen tako projekt kot tudi naročnik, saj je sodelovanje z njim ključna točka za nadaljnjo izdelavo. Sledi razvoj podobe, v katero so vključeni vsi primarni in sekundarni grafični elementi, kot so vizitka, dopisni list, račun in pisemska ovojnica. Kot dodatek pa je izdelan še koncept oglaševanja na socialnih omrežjih ter celostni grafični priročnik s pravili, ki bo kasneje oddan naročniku. Celoten potek izdelave celostne grafične podobe je prikazan po korakih ter ustrezno utemeljen.

Keywords:turizem, apartmaji, celostna grafična podoba, grafično oblikovanje, vinarstvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125438 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.03.2021
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Title:Creating a visual identity for tourist accommodation in Goriška Brda
This diploma thesis concentrates on creating a visual identity for tourist accommodation in Goriška brda. The theoretical part describes tourism in Slovenia and Goriška brda as a basis, which later helps with the visual identity. First, the development of tourism in Slovenia is described, and then it begins to focus on tourism and culture in Goriška brda, which are strongly connected and cannot be neglected when creating an image for apartments in this area. The second part of the theoretical part describes visual identity. It covers everything from the description of its advantages and impact on sales to the very course of the production. The process of creating a visual identity consists first of designing a logo, which is the basis of a brand, followed by a selection of fonts and a selection of colours. These are the primary graphic elements, followed by the production of the secondary one, such as various printed materials. The experimental part presents the entire process of creating a complete visual identity for Goriška brda’s apartments. To create an excellent visual identity, the research problem is first described, and both the project and the client are presented, as this is a crucial point for further production. This is followed by the development of the image, which includes all primary graphic elements as well as secondary ones, such as business card, letterhead, invoice and envelope. In addition, the concept of advertising on social networks and a brand guide with rules, are made, which will later be submitted to the client. The entire process of creating a visual identity is shown step by step and duly substantiated.

Keywords:tourism, apartments, visual identity, graphic design, winemaking

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