
Bibliometoda kot oblika socialnopedagoškega dela z otroki s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami
ID Jelen, Tamara (Author), ID Zorc Maver, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6639/ This link opens in a new window

Čustvene in vedenjske težave otrok je področje, ki zajema zelo širok spekter. Socialni pedagogi se na svojih delovnih mestih srečujejo z otroki, ki zahtevajo različne pristope in načine dela. Glavni namen magistrskega dela je obogatiti metode socialne pedagogike s pristopom, ki temelji na uporabi literature. Cilj je oblikovati metodo, ki bo prilagojena za delo z otroki s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami. Metoda je osnovana na biblioterapiji. To je v svoji osnovi metoda dela, ki s pomočjo knjig in pogovora deluje preventivno in pomaga pri različnih psihosocialnih težavah. V magistrskem delu je tako raziskano področje biblioterapije, podane so definicije, oblike in načini uporabe. Najprej je opisan razvoj otroka v zgodnjem, srednjem in poznem otroštvu, kjer so zajeti kognitivni, emocionalni in bralni razvoj. Sledi poglavje, ki zajema opis čustvenih in vedenjskih težav, njihove definicije in oblike. Tretji del je namenjen spoznavanju biblioterapije v slovenski in svetovni literaturi. Ker je v slovenskem prostoru pomanjkanje raziskav, ki so se ukvarjale z biblioterapijo, sploh na področju socialne pedagogike, je empirični del posvečen temu. Izvedena in analizirana je bila prilagojena oblika biblioterapije, poimenovana bibliometoda, z otroki s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami. Srečanja so se izvajala kot bralne urice s skupino osmih otrok v Mladinskem domu Malči Belič v Ljubljani. Izvedenih je bilo sedem srečanj, analizirana pa so bila s pomočjo evalvacije sodelujočih otrok in vzgojiteljev, izdelkov otrok in opazovanja vodje srečanj. Na podlagi analize teh srečanj in strokovne literature je bila oblikovana socialnopedagoška metoda, poimenovana bibliometoda. Opisana bibliometoda je predvidena kot pripomoček za vse strokovne delavce, ki bi želeli vključiti knjige v svoje delo z otroki s čustvenimi in vedenjskimi težavami. Na osnovni skelet bibliometode lahko strokovni delavci po lastnih izkušnjah in potrebah skupine otrok, s katero delajo, še dodajajo in jo sooblikujejo.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125345 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:54702083 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.03.2021
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Title:Bibliomethod as a form of social pedagogical work with children with emotional and behavioural problems
Children's emotional and behavioural problems are an area that covers a very wide spectrum. In their workplaces, social pedagogues meet children who require different approaches and ways of working. The main purpose of the master's thesis is to enrich the methods of social pedagogy through an approach based on the use of literature. The aim is to develop a method that will be adapted to work with children with emotional and behavioural problems. The method is based on bibliotherapy. This is basically a method of work that works preventively through books and conversation and helps with various psychosocial problems. This is thus explored in the field of bibliotherapy, and definitions, forms and methods of use are given. First, it describes the development of a child in early, middle and late childhood, where cognitive, emotional and reading development are captured. The following is a chapter that includes a description of emotional and behavioural problems, their definitions and forms. The third part is intended for learning about bibliotherapy in Slovenian and world literature. Since there is a lack of research in Slovenia that has dealt with bibliotherapy, especially in the field of social pedagogy, the empirical part is dedicated to this. A tailored form of bibliotherapy, named bibliomethod, was performed and analysed with children with emotional and behavioural problems. The meetings were held as reading hours with a group of eight children at the Malči Belič Youth Centre in Ljubljana. Seven meetings were held and analysed through evaluation of participating children and educators, children's products and observation of the meeting manager. Based on the analysis of these meetings and the professional literature, a socio-pedagogical method called bibliomethod was developed. The described bibliomethod is intended as a tool for all professionals who would like to include books in their work with children with emotional and behavioural problems. On the basic skeleton of bibliomethod, professionals can add and co-shape it, based on their own experience and the needs of the group of children with whom they work.


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