
Jadranje za osebe z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju
ID Virnik, Anja (Author), ID Filipčič, Tjaša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6632/ This link opens in a new window

Prostočasne dejavnosti posameznikom omogočajo počitek, zabavo in razvijanje osebnosti. Prav posebnega pomena pa so za osebe z motnjami v duševnem razvoju saj lahko z vključevanjem vanje razvijajo svoje socialne in komunikacijske sposobnosti. Pogosto varstveno-delovni centri ali vzgojno-izobraževalne ustanove ponujajo obsežen nabor dejavnosti za svoje uporabnike/učence. Vendar pa je le malo organiziranih dejavnostih, v katere bi se lahko inkluzivno vključevali. Tako imajo osebe s posebnimi potrebami malo izkušenj vključevanja v širše družbeno življenje. Eden izmed načinov preživljanja prostega časa je tudi športno udejstvovanje. Šport je izredno pomemben pri razvoju gibalnih spretnosti in sposobnosti, prav tako pa pripomore k posameznikovemu socialnemu položaju, zdravju in zviša kakovost življenja. V preteklosti je veljajo prepričanje, da osebe z motnjo v duševnem razvoj ne morejo sodelovati pri športnih dejavnostih, zadnja desetletja pa se s pomočjo zakonodaje, raznih organizacij in ozaveščanju ljudi prek javnih medijev pojavlja vse večji nabor športov zanje. Jadranje ni izjema, vendar pa ta novi val inkluzije zavira premalo ustrezno specialno pedagoško usposobljenega kadra, ki bi vodil tečaje jadranja. Z magistrskim delom smo želeli narediti pregled načrtovanja, izvajanja in prilagoditve tečaja jadranja v izbranem klubu, v katerega sta se vključili dva otroka z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju. Za holistični vpogled smo izvedli tri polstrukturirane intervjuje. Pri intervjuju nas je zanimalo predvsem, kako potekata načrtovanje in izvajanje tečaja jadranja, katere prilagoditve so načrtovali in katere so izvedli, zanimalo nas je tudi, kako bi trener ocenil samostojnost ter vključenje oseb z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju v raziskovani tečaj jadranja. Pri intervjuju z otrokoma pa smo se osredotočili na njuno doživljanje jadranja, katerih prilagoditev sta bila deležna ter na samo vključenost v skupino tečajnikov. Zanimalo nas je tudi, katere spremembe in predloge bi podali vsi udeleženci raziskave. S študijo primera smo tako želeli predstaviti primer dobre prakse vključevanja oseb z lažjo motnjo v duševnem razvoju v inkluzivne športno-gibalne dejavnosti. Ugotovili smo, da načrtovanje tečaja jadranja poteka v dveh delih – vsebinski in organizacijski del. Ugotovili smo tudi, da v izbranem klubu ne načrtujejo prilagoditev za osebe s posebnimi potrebami. Glavni izziv trenerjevega načrtovanja je ta, da pridobi premalo podatkov o otrocih, pri izvajanju pa mu glavni izziv predstavlja to, da je premalo ustreznega kadra za tako heterogeno skupino, prav tako je delo zahtevno in specifično (pomanjkanje znanja). Otroka sta bila med tečajem delno samostojna, saj sta potrebovala ustno in telesno pomoč spremljevalke. Različno sta doživljala jadranje in sta izražala željo po spremembi oblikovanja skupin glede na spol ter spremembo same izvedbe tečaja. Trener je spremenil celotni način izvajanja tečajev jadranja, da bi bil manj tekmovalno naravnan in bi bil večji poudarek na športnem udejstvovanju. Ugotovili smo, da sta se otroka med tečajem počutila večinoma dobro in da se nista dobro vključila v skupino.

Keywords:lažja motnja v duševnem razvoju
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125323 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:54543107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:22.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Sailing of people with mild intellectual disability
Leisure time activities allow individuals to rest, enjoy themselves and develop their personality. But they are of special importance to people with intellectual disabilities, as they can develop their social and communication skills while participating in them. Often day-care centres or educational institutions offer a wide range of activities for their users/students. However, there are few organized activities in which they could be involved inclusively. Thus, people with special needs have little experience of integrating into wider social life. One of leisure time activities is sport. Sport is extremely important in the development of motor skills and abilities, but it also contributes to an individual's social position, health and improvement in quality of life. There was a belief in the past, that people with intellectual disabilities could not participate in sports activities. However, with the help of various organizations, legislation, and raising public awareness through the public media, there has been an increase in range of sport activities for them in recent decades. Sailing is no exception, but this new wave of inclusion is hampered by a lack of suitably trained staff in special pedagogics to lead sailing courses. Therefore, the aim of this thesis was to make a review of the planning, implementation and adjustments of the sailing course in a selected club, which included two children with a mild intellectual disability. For a holistic insight, we conducted three semi-structured interviews, where we were mainly interested in how the sailing course is planned and implemented and what adjustments were then planned and made. We were also interested in how the trainer would assess the independence and inclusion of the children with mild intellectual disabilities in the sailing course. In the interview with the children, we focused primarily on their sailing experiences, the adjustments that were made for them, and on their inclusion in the group of course participants. We were also interested in what changes and suggestions the participants in the research would recommend. With this case study, we therefore wanted to present an example of good practice of including people with mild intellectual disabilities in inclusive sport and movement activities. We reached the conclusion that planning of a sailing course takes place in two parts: substantive and organizational. We also found that the selected club does not plan accommodations for people with special needs. The main challenge of course planning is to obtain sufficient information about children whereas the main obstacles in the implementation are the lack of suitable staff for such a heterogeneous group and the complexity and specifics of working with people with special needs (lack of knowledge). The children were only partially independent during the course, as they needed the help of an oral and physical companion. They experienced sailing differently and expressed a desire to change the formation of groups according to gender specifics and the change in implementation of the course itself. The trainer changed the entire way of conducting sailing courses to be less competitive and to place more emphasis on the sport itself. We found that the children felt mostly well during the course and that they did not integrate well into the group.

Keywords:mild intellectual disability

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