
Avtomatizacija nalog ali storitev s pomočjo tehnologije NFC
ID MARGON, NENA (Author), ID Bulić, Patricio (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sta opisana načrtovanje in razvoj mobilne aplikacije, ki omogoča serviserjem, upravljalcem prodajnih avtomatov, uporabnikom ipd. enostaven pregled in dokumentiranje njihovega dela. Varnostnikom aplikacija omogoča seznam obhodnih točk, na katerih je NFC-značka. Nanjo prislonijo svojo napravo in s tem potrdijo svojo prisotnost in opravljenost obhoda. Serviserji, upravljalci prodajnih avtomatov ipd. imajo seznam nalog (npr. naprav za servisiranje), ki imajo na sebi uparjeno NFC-značko. Uporabnik ob prihodu in ob koncu dela prisloni svojo napravo k NFC-znački in s tem aplikacija zapiše čas, ki ga je uporabnik porabil na tem mestu. Poenostavljena verzija te aplikacije se lahko uporablja za dokumentiranje časa prisotnosti zaposlenih v pisarni. Za delovanje je dovolj samo ena NFC-značka, ob vhodu. Uporabniki prislonijo svojo napravo k znački in s tem potrdijo svoj prihod in odhod. Aplikacija je bila razvita v sodelovanju s podjetjem Gooya, d. o. o..

Keywords:Mobilna aplikacija, NFC, GPS, Android, Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin. Shell, C#, .Net, API
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-125158 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:54213379 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Task and services automation using the NFC technology
This thesis describes the process of planning and developing a mobile app to enable service technicians, vending machine operators, security guards, etc., to easily see and record their work. Security guards see a list of posts they have to pass on their rounds. Each of those posts has a paired NFC tag on the designated spot, which the security guard taps their device against and records their presence at that post. Service technicians, vending machine operators, etc., see a list of tasks (e.g., devices to service), each of these devices has a paired NFC tag on it. The technician taps their device on the NFC tag before they start working on the task and after they have finished it. The app then displays how much time the technician spent working on the task. A simplified version of this app could be used for recording time the employees spend in the office. This can be achieved by using only one NFC tag at the entrance, where the employees would tap their device against the NFC tag and confirm their arrival and departure from work. This application was developed in collaboration with the company Gooya d. o. o..

Keywords:Mobile app, NFC, GPS, Android, Xamarin, Xamarin.Forms, Xamarin.Shell, C#, .Net, API

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