
Učno okolje, ki spodbuja gibanje
ID Mattiazzi, Maja (Author), ID Štemberger, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6606/ This link opens in a new window

Otroci za primeren vsestranski razvoj dnevno potrebujejo vsaj eno uro gibalne aktivnosti zmerne do visoke intenzivnosti. To je ena njihovih temeljnih potreb, saj ravno z gibanjem odkrivajo okolico, vključujejo se v interakcije z vrstniki, preizkušajo svoje zmožnosti, poleg tega pa redna gibalna dejavnost pozitivno vpliva na njihovo zdravje, počutje, vedenje in tudi učno uspešnost. Na drugi strani dolgo trajajoče vsakodnevno sedenje, v katerega jih potiska sodobni način življenja, lahko povzroči težave s hrbtenico, pomankanje gibanja v kombinaciji z drugimi nezdravimi razvadami pa spremljajo težave s skeletom, debelost, povišan krvni sladkor in holesterol, to pa predstavlja tveganje za različne druge bolezni. Z rednim vnašanjem gibanja v vsakdan otrok ne skrbimo le za njihovo trenutno zdravje in počutje, temveč jih tudi vzgajamo za zdrav življenjski slog, s čimer posredno skrbimo za njihovo zdravje v kasnejšem obdobju. Ker velik del otrokovega sedenja predstavlja ravno čas v šoli, strokovnjaki opozarjajo, da lahko k povečani količini gibanja veliko prispevamo prav v šolskem okolju, in sicer z dodatnimi urami športa, gibalnimi odmori, vključevanjem gibalnih aktivnosti v pouk ter z oblikovanjem fizičnega okolja, ki spodbuja gibanje. Ugotovili so, da prav z dodajanjem različnih prenosljivih in fiksnih pripomočkov ter z barvanjem tal lahko zvečamo čas in intenzivnost gibanja učencev, prav tako pa k temu prispeva igra v naravnem okolju z drevesi, skalami ipd. Eden od načinov za zmanjševanje časa sedenja učencev je uporaba takšnega pohištva ali pripomočkov, ki omogočajo bodisi stoječe delo bodisi premikanje med sedenjem. Cilj empiričnega dela magistrske naloge je bil, ugotoviti, koliko učno okolje učence od 1. do 5. razreda v slovenskih osnovnih šolah spodbuja h gibanju. Spletni anketni vprašalnik je izpolnilo 157 učiteljev, ki poučujejo učence od 1. do 5. razreda. Ugotovili smo, da se raznolikost pripomočkov med šolami precej razlikuje. Izkazalo se je, da se večinoma v oddelkih, v katerih imajo na voljo več različnih pripomočkov, med poukom ter med odmori in/ali pred poukom zaradi njih giba več učencev kot v oddelkih z manj pripomočki, prav tako tam učitelji nekoliko pogosteje v pouk vključujejo gibalne aktivnosti. Učitelji gibanju učencev v času odmorov in pouka pripisujejo velik pomen in opažajo izboljšanje njihovega počutja in vedenja.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124966 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:51446531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Movement encouraging school environment
In order for children to achieve an appropriate universal development, a minimum of one hour of high to medium intensity of physical activity is required. This is one of their fundamental needs, as it allows them to discover their surroundings, engage in interactions with other children, test their abilities and benefit from the positive effects of physical activity on health, well-being, behaviour and learning success. On the other hand, daily routine of long-term sitting, encouraged by modern lifestyle, may lead to backbone-related problems, whereas lack of movement alongside other unhealthy habits is accompanied by skeletal issues, obesity, high blood pressure and cholesterol, leading to increased risk of various other health conditions. By applying regular movement habits into children’s daily routine we care not only for their current well-being and health, but also educate them in leading a healthy lifestyle, thus indirectly taking care of their future health. As much of the sitting occurs during school hours, experts warn that additional physical activities may be added during this very time, implemented in the form of sports lessons and active breaks or by enriching regular lessons with physical activities and creating a movement-encouraging physical environment. It has been discovered that an addition of certain portable or fixed accessories or colouring the floor may increase the time and intensity of pupils’ physical activity, and so does playing in natural environment with trees and rocks et cetera. One of the approaches used to decrease time of sitting is an application of such furniture or accessories that allow either for work in standing position or movement during sitting. The objective of this Master’s thesis was to determine the degree to which the movement is encouraged by learning environment among Slovenian elementary school pupils from the first to fifth year. An online survey has been carried out with 157 teachers of first to fifth year pupils. We have discovered that the versatility of accessories varies greatly among different schools. Children from the classrooms with somewhat more diverse inventory of accessories have mostly proven to be more likely to move during lessons and breaks, compared to children from less equipped classrooms. And what is more, teachers of these very classes have also been found to include physical activities into lessons more frequently. The teachers attribute a great importance to pupils’ movement during lessons and breaks, as well as they find their behaviour and well-being consequently improved.

Keywords:physical activities

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