
Primerjava ter analiza nasilja v pravljicah bratov Grimm in Svetlane Makarovič
ID Bah, Lucija (Author), ID Blažič, Milena Mileva (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo z naslovom Primerjava ter analiza nasilja v pravljicah bratov Grimm in Svetlane Makarovič se začne s predstavitvijo mladinske književnosti, katere del je tudi pravljica. Podrobno so predstavljene vrste pravljic ter njihove glavne značilnosti. V nadaljevanju je izpostavljena občutljiva tema o nasilju, oblikah nasilja, s poudarkom na zlorabi otrok; še posebej o nasilju v pravljicah. Teoretični del se zaključi z opisom življenja in dela dveh avtorjev, Jacoba in Wilhelma Grimma ter Svetlane Makarovič. Nadaljuje se z opisom in podrobno analizo petih izbranih pravljic vsakega avtorja. Pri bratih Grimm so predstavljene pravljice Dva brata, Janko in Metka, Sneguljčica, Snežica in Rožica ter Zlata ptica, pri Svetlani Makarovič pa pravljice Kokoška Emilija, Sapramiška, Ščeper in mba, Šuško in gozdni dan ter Tacamuca. Osrednji del diplomskega dela predstavljajo tabele, v katerih so prikazane oblike nasilja, primeri motiva nasilja v izbranih pravljicah in interpretacija le-tega. Namen diplomskega dela je prikazati primerjavo prisotnosti motiva nasilja v pravljicah istega avtorja, ki ji sledi primerjava prisotnosti motiva nasilja v pravljicah med avtorjema.

Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124956 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:50102019 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.03.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison and analysis of violence in the fairy tales of the Grimm brothers and Svetlana Makarovič
The diploma thesis Comparison and Analysis of Violence in the Fairy Tales of the Grimm Brothers and Svetlana Makarovič begins with a presentation of youth literature, which includes the fairy tale. It details the types of fairy tales and their main features. This is followed by an examination of the topic of violence and its forms, with an emphasis on child abuse, particularly the topic of violence in fairy tales. The theoretical part is concluded with a description of the lives and works of the authors, Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm and Svetlana Makarovič. The thesis continues with a description and detailed analysis of the five selected fairy tales by each author. The selected fairy tales for Brothers Grimm are The Two Brothers, Hansel and Gretel, Snow White, Snow-White and Rose-Red, and The Golden Bird, and for Svetlana Makarovič Kokoška Emilija, Sapramiška, Ščeper in mba, Šuško in gozdni dan, and Tacamuca. The main section of the diploma thesis includes tables that show the forms of violence, examples of motifs of violence in the selected fairy tales, and the interpretations of violence. The purpose of the diploma thesis is to present a comparison of the presence of the motifs of violence in fairy tales by the same author, followed by a comparison of the presence of the motifs of violence in fairy tales by different authors.

Keywords:fairy tale

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