
Vpliv strukture tkanine na adhezijske in funkcionalne lastnosti digitalnega 3D - tiska polimerov na tkanino
ID Gramc, Kristina (Author), ID Bizjak, Matejka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Muck, Deja (Comentor)

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MD5: CE0129B11DA9A27D4D6008F5ABE17B7B

Tekstilna industrija neprestano teži k okolju prijaznejšim procesom in nenehno raziskuje inovativne funkcionalne lastnosti novih materialov, ki imajo dodano vrednost za končnega uporabnika. Med inovativne tekstilne materiale spadajo tudi tkanine s 3D-tiskom polimera na površini. V magistrski nalogi so bile izdelane funkcionalne tekstilije z izrazitejšimi zaščitnimi lastnostmi, ki so bile dosežene z neposrednim 3D-tiskom polimerov na tkanine z različnimi konstrukcijskimi lastnostmi. Da bi določili optimalno konstrukcijo tkanine za neposredno 3D-tiskanje polimerov, ki bi zagotavljalo kar največjo adhezijo in gibkost funkcionalnih tekstilij z izboljšanimi zaščitnimi lastnostmi, so bile izdelane različne tkanine v vezavah atlas, keper in panama, v dveh gostotah votka, in sicer 25 in 30 niti/cm. Gostota bombažne osnove je bila pri vseh tkaninah enaka, 40 niti/cm. Surovinska sestava preje po votku sta bila 100-odstotni poliester in 100-odstotni bombaž. Za 3D-tiskanje smo uporabili dva najpogostejša termoplastična materiala za tiskanje na tekstil: ABS (akrilonitril butadien stiren) in PLA (polimlecˇna kislina). Na osnovi rezultatov meritev adhezijskih lastnosti so bile izbrane najustreznejše konstrukcije tkanine, na katere so bili natisnjeni polkrožni 3D-liki. Tiskanje na tkanino ji mora zagotoviti zadostno gibkost in zračno prepustnost. Oba parametra sta pomembna za zagotavljanje udobnosti. Pri meritvah fizikalno-mehanskih in prepustnostnih lastnosti funkcionalnih tkanin je bilo ugotovljeno, da se s 3D-tiskom polimera na tkanino poveča odpornost proti drgnjenju za najmanj 70 %, čeprav se posledično spremenijo nekatere druge lastnosti tkanine. Tkaninam se je s 3D-tiskom v primerjavi z nepotiskanimi vzorci povečala ploščinska masa in debelina, zmanjšala se je zračna prepustnost in togost. Vse to nakazuje, da je taka oblika funkcionalizacije primerna le za parcialno ojačitev zaščitnih oblačil.

Keywords:konstrukcija tkanin, 3D-tisk na tkanine, zaščitne tekstilije, fizikalno-mehanske lastnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.02.2021
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Title:Influence of fabric structure on the adhesion and functional properties of 3d printed polymers on the woven fabric
The textile industry is constantly striving for more environmentally friendly processes and researching innovative functional features that add value for the consumer. Innovative textile materials include fabrics with 3D polymer printing on the fabric surface. In our research for the master's thesis, we developed textiles with enhanced protective properties, which were achieved by direct 3D polymer printing on fabrics with different construction properties. We wanted to determine the most optimal fabric construction with direct 3D printing of polymers on fabrics, which would determine the optimal adhesion and flexibility for designing of functional textiles with increased protective properties. Therefore, we produced different fabrics in weaves satin, twill and panama, with two weft densities, namely 25 and 30 threads/cm. The warp density was the same for all fabrics, namely 40 threads/cm. The raw material composition of the weft yarn was 100% polyester yarn and 100% cotton yarn. For printing with the WANNAO Duplicator 4S 3D printer, we used the two plastic polymers most commonly used in textile printing: ABS (acrylonitrile butadiene styrene) and PLA (polylactic acid). Based on the measured adhesion properties, the most optimal fabric constructions were selected, on which semi-circular 3D figures were printed. The discontinuous fabric print characters offer sufficient flexibility and air permeability. Both parameters are important for comfort. The measured physical-mechanical and permeability properties of functional fabrics showed that 3D printing of polymers on the fabric increases abrasion resistance by at least 70%, although some other fabric properties are changed as a result. Compared to rough patterns, the surface mass and thickness of fabrics with 3D printing have increased, while their air permeability and stiffness have decreased. All this indicates that this form of functionalisation is only suitable for partial reinforcement of protective clothing.

Keywords:construction fabrics, 3D printing on fabrics, protective textiles, physical-mechanical properties

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