
Izdelava in analiza odtisov izdelanih z različnimi termo prenosnimi folijami na tekstilu
ID Jaklić, Jasmina (Author), ID Muck, Deja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti kakovost odtisov na različnih materialih. Tiskali smo na štiri materiale, in sicer lan, saten, bombaž in poliester. Ti materiali se vsako dnevno uporabljajo za izdelavo oblačil, vrečk, posteljnine, krp, kap, torb itd., zato je pomembno, da je kakovost odtisov ustrezna. Cilj diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, kateri način izdelave odtisov je za posamezen material najustreznejši. Kakovost končnih odtisov smo določili z analizo odpornosti na pranje, likanje, z odpornostjo na drgnjenje, preverili pa smo tudi samo adhezijo odtisa na materialu. V teoretičnem delu je prikazan razvoj tiska na tekstil, kakšni so bili začetki in kako tiskamo danes. Opisani so postopki neposrednega tiska, kot so sitotisk, kapljični tisk in tampotisk, ter posrednega tiska s termo prenosnimi folijami, termotransferni papirji in elektrofotografijo. V eksperimentalnem delu so predstavljeni materiali in postopki izdelave ter uporabljena strojna in programska oprema za izdelavo odtisov. Opisana je uporaba materialov za tisk, kot so flex in flock folije, termotransferni papirji oziroma preslikači, tiskarske barve in ostali materiali, ter postopki za izdelavo odtisov s tehniko sitotiska ter toplotno stiskalnico. Pri prvih odtisih so bili narejeni poizkusi s pranjem in likanjem ter opravljene meritve s spektrofotometrom pred in po pranju. Pri drugih odtisih je bilo opravljeno testiranje adhezivnosti in drgnjenje. Rezultati so predstavljeni grafično ter opisno in slikovno v preglednicah. Na koncu diplomske naloge so priložene priloge, na katerih so slikovno prikazani odtisi pred in po pranju.

Keywords:tekstil, sitotisk, digitalni tisk, poliuretanska folija (flex, flock), termotransferni papir, preslikači, toplotna stiskalnica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124746 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.02.2021
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Title:Production and analysis of textile prints made from different thermal transferable foils
The purpose of this thesis was to determine print quality on various materials. We printed on a total of four different materials, namely linen, satin, cotton and polyester. These materials are used on a daily basis in the production of clothing, tote bags, bed linen, cloths, caps, handbags and similar, so it is important to ensure an adequate quality of the prints. The objective the thesis was to determine the most suitable printing method for each of the studied materials. The final quality of the prints was determined by analyzing their resistance to washing, ironing and rubbing. What is more, we also checked the adhesion of the prints to the material. The theoretical part of the thesis describes the history of textile printing, its beginnings and the present-day situation. It details direct printing methods, such as screen printing, ink-jet printing and tampon printing, and in-direct printing method utilizing transfer foils, heat transfer paper and electrophotography. The empirical part of my thesis lays out the materials, production processes, hardware and software required for the printing process. It describes the use of materials used in printing, such as flex and flock foils, heat transfer paper or transfer paper, pigments and dyes as well as other materials. Moreover, the empirical part also presents the procedures used in screen printing with a heat press. In the first several prints, washing and ironing tests were performed along with spectrophotometric measurements taken before and after washing. In the rest of the prints, adhesion and rubbing tests were carried out. The results are given by means of charts, descriptions and images, presented in tables. The thesis also includes appendices with photographs of the prints, which were taken before and after washing.

Keywords:textile, screen printing, digital printing, polyurethane foil (flex and flock), heat transfer paper, transfer paper, heat press

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