
Ekumensko prizadevanje papeža Benedikta XVI. (2005–2013) : magistrsko delo
ID Kocjančič, Tilen (Avtor), ID Dolenc, Bogdan (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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V magistrskem delu z naslovom Ekumensko prizadevanje papeža Benedikta XVI. (2005–2013), avtor predstavi in ovrednoti pobude, prizadevanja ter storjeno delo zaslužnega papeža Benedikta XVI. (Josepha Ratzingerja) na področju ekumenizma – dialoga in zbliževanja med katoliško Cerkvijo in drugimi Cerkvami ter cerkvenimi skupnostmi. Delo si prizadeva predstaviti urejen pregled celostne in raznolike ekumenske dejavnosti, ki jo je papež postopoma izgrajeval in dopolnjeval v času svojega pontifikata. Avtor pri podajanju in povzemanju razprav, člankov, homilij in nagovorov uporablja predvsem deskriptivno in eksplikativno metodo. Delo je razdeljeno na štiri poglavja. V 1. poglavju je predstavljeno Ratzingerjevo zgodnje zanimanje za ekumenizem in delo, ki ga je opravil kot teološki profesor in prefekt Kongregacije za verski nauk. Sledijo tri poglavja, ki so posvečena ekumenskemu dogajanju v času njegovega pontifikata (2005–2013). Najprej so v 2. poglavju predstavljeni papeževi odnosi s krščanskim Vzhodom – pravoslavnimi in starimi vzhodnimi »sestrskimi Cerkvami«, do katerih je papež gojil prav posebno naklonjenost in bližino, saj nadvse visoko cenijo tradicijo in starodavna izročila. V 3. poglavju sledi predstavitev papeževih odnosov s krščanskim Zahodom – evangeličansko-luteranskimi cerkvenimi skupnostmi, anglikansko skupnostjo ter drugimi zahodnimi cerkvenimi skupnostmi in svobodnimi Cerkvami, ki jih je imel nemški papež priložnost srečati in od blizu poznati. Potem ko avtor v 2. in 3. poglavju obravnava odnose s posameznimi Cerkvami in cerkvenimi skupnostmi (bilateralni ekumenizem), se v 4. poglavju posveča ostalim ekumenskim srečanjem splošne narave (multilateralni ekumenizem).

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:Benedikt XVI., Joseph Ratzinger, Cerkev, cerkvena skupnost, dialog, edinost, ekumenizem, papež
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[T. Kocjančič]
Leto izida:2021
Št. strani:IX, 104 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124744 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:52935939 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:13.02.2021
Število ogledov:1471
Število prenosov:135
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Ecumenical endeavours of Pope Benedict XVI (2005–2013)
In the herewith master's thesis entitled The Ecumenical Endeavours of Pope Benedict XVI (2005–2013) the author introduces and then dutifully evaluates all the initiatives, efforts and work done by the Pope Benedict XVI, born Joseph Ratzinger, as far as ecumenism is concerned. The Holy Father should receive a full credit and a recognition merit for his contributions to the movement toward worldwide Christian unity that is based on the principle of dialogue, toward bringing Christians of different Churches and denominations closer together. The thesis seeks to give us an outline of Pope's variegated ecumenical activities, since he succeeded in gradually building up and complementing the immense ecumenical task during the time of his pontificate. When presenting and concisely summarizing scientific discussions, articles, homilies, and speeches the author mainly uses the descriptive and explicative method. The thesis is divided into four chapters. The 1st chapter introduces Ratzinger's early interest in ecumenism and the work he carried out as a professor of theology and later as Prefect at the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith. The next three chapters are devoted to the ecumenical journey which became his priority during his pontificate (2005–2013). The 2nd chapter discusses Pope's relations with the Eastern Christianity – the Eastern Orthodox and the Oriental Orthodox Churches. He dedicated special affection and closeness to these »sister Churches«, which set a high value on tradition and ancient legacy. The 3rd chapter focuses on the presentation of Pope's relations with the Western Christianity – the Evangelical-Lutheran Ecclesial Communities, the Anglican Community and other Western Ecclesial Communities and Free Churches, which the German Pope had the opportunity to meet and get to know closely. While the relations among various Churches and Ecclesial Communities (bilateral ecumenism) is dealt with in the 2nd and in the 3rd chapter, all the other ecumenical meetings of general nature (multilateral ecumenism) are discussed in the 4th chapter.

Ključne besede:Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, Church, Ecclesial Community, dialogue, unity, ecumenism, Pope

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