
Analiza primanjkljaja odtoka po metodi praga na primeru treh vodomernih postaj v Sloveniji
ID Cunja, Jan (Author), ID Kobold, Mira (Author), ID Šraj, Mojca (Author)

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Analiza obsega primerjavo volumnov in trajanj primanjkljajev odtoka pri različnih izbirah sušnega praga za vodomerne postaje Polana na reki Ledava, Litija na reki Savi in Kubed na reki Rižani z različnimi podnebnimi pogoji za hidrološko najbolj suha leta obdobja 1960-2016 v Sloveniji. Pri metodi praga za sušne dogodke označimo vse dogodke, pri katerih pretoki padejo pod vnaprej izbrano vrednost praga. Za prag smo izbrali tri različne vrednosti, in sicer srednji mali obdobni pretok sQnp ter percentila krivulje trajanja Q90 in Q80. Za vsako vodomerno postajo smo med posameznimi sušnimi dogodki določenega leta pri različnih izbirah praga izbrali dogodek z največjim volumnom primanjkljaja in njegovo trajanje ter skupni letni volumen primanjkljajev in skupno trajanje sušnih dogodkov za posamezno leto. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da ima izbira sušnega praga lahko velik vpliv na rezultate analiz primanjkljaja odtoka. Pri višjih vrednostih praga se absolutne vrednosti trajanja in volumnov primanjkljajev povečajo. Poleg tega se pri spreminjanju vrednosti praga spremenijo tudi razmerja med rezultati posameznih let. Ne glede na izbiro praga se je po vseh štirih izbranih sušnih karakteristikah leto 2003 izkazalo kot najbolj sušno za vse tri obravnavane vodomerne postaje, sledijo mu leta 1993, 1971 in 2012. Je pa suša specifičen pojav regionalnega značaja in se različno odraža po posameznih regijah Slovenije.

Keywords:hidrološka suša, primanjkljaj odtoka, metoda praga, Slovenija
Work type:Scientific work
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Author Accepted Manuscript
Number of pages:Str. 113-127
Numbering:Letn. 33, št. 59
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124734 This link opens in a new window
ISSN on article:1581-0267
COBISS.SI-ID:50767107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.02.2021
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Acta hydrotechnica
Shortened title:Acta hydrotech.
Publisher:Fakulteta za gradbeništvo in geodezijo
COBISS.SI-ID:1838689 This link opens in a new window


License:CC BY-NC-SA 4.0, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International
Description:A Creative Commons license that bans commercial use and requires the user to release any modified works under this license.
Licensing start date:13.02.2021

Secondary language

Title:Analysis of runoff deficit using the treshold method for the case of three gauging stations in Slovenia
This analysis deals with the comparison of volume and duration of runoff deficits using different drought thresholds for the gauging stations Polana on the Ledava, Litija on the Sava, and Kubed on the Rižana Rivers with different climatic conditions for the hydrologically driest years in the period 1960-2016 in Slovenia. Using the threshold method, all events in which discharge fell below a pre-selected threshold value were identified as drought events. Three different values were chosen for the threshold value, namely the mean low periodic discharge sQnp and the percentiles of flow duration curve Q90 and Q80. For each gauging station, the event with the largest deficit volume and duration, as well as the total annual deficit volume and the total duration of drought events for the individual year, were selected using different threshold values. The studys results demonstrate that the choice of drought threshold can have a great impact on the results of runoff deficit analyses. The absolute values of the duration and volume of the runoff deficits increase with higher threshold values. Also the ratios between the results of the individual years change slightly when the threshold value changes. Regardless of the choice of the threshold, 2003 proved to be the driest year according to all four selected drought characteristics and for all three analysed gauging stations, followed by 1993, 1971, and 2012, respectively. However, drought is a specific phenomenon of a regional character and is reflected differently in the different regions of Slovenia.

Keywords:hydrology, hydrological drought, runoff deficit, treshold method, Slovenia


Funder:ARRS - Slovenian Research Agency
Project number:P2-0180
Name:Vodarstvo in geotehnika

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