
Politična ekonomija medijskega velekapitala : magistrsko delo
ID Bratušek, Danijel (Author), ID Vogrinc, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem magistrskem delu se ukvarjam z vpetostjo informativnih medijev v politično ekonomijo in vplivi, ki jih prinaša koncentracija lastništva nad informativnimi mediji. Osredotočil sem se na stanje v Združenih državah Amerike. Trendi v zadnjih dveh desetletjih v medijskem svetu so globalizacija, digitalizacija, mreženje in deregulacija. Mediji so postali vse bolj orientirani zgolj na profit, prišlo je do koncentracije lastništva nad mediji in nastali so konglomerati, ki obsegajo vsa področja komunikacije. Poglavitni razlogi za koncentracijo lastništva in konglomerate so ekonomski. Tudi s pojavom razširjene komercialne uporabe medmrežja v 90. letih 20. stoletja ni prišlo do drastičnih sprememb v medijski industriji na področju novih glasov, ki bi dobili svoj prostor v medijski industriji. Večja distribucija komunikacijske moči se ni zgodila, saj so tudi na svetovnem spletu med najbolj obiskanimi stranmi z novicami prav tiste, ki pripadajo tradicionalnim medijem v lasti medijskih konglomeratov. Medmrežje je preostalim medijem že prevzelo lep delež občinstva in dobiva v povezavi z ameriškimi volitvami vse večjo veljavo. Poleg večjega spremljanja volitev prek svetovnega spleta, se je obrat zgodil tudi pri vodenju političnih kampanj, saj se politiki zavedajo pomembnosti svetovnega spleta in možnosti za nagovor manjših, specifičnih skupin volivcev.

Keywords:politična ekonomija medijev, medijski konglomerati, koncentracija lastništva, medmrežje, družbena omrežja, informativni mediji, Združene države Amerike
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Bratušek]
Number of pages:97 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124677 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:60323587 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.02.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The Political Economy of the Mainstream and New Media
The thesis discusses the integration of news media in the political economy and the effects of concentration of media ownership within the news media. The main focus is placed upon the situation in The United States of America. Trends in the media industry in the last two decades are globalization, digitalization, networking and deregulation. Nowadays, the media are very profit driven, there is a lot of concentration of media ownership and the key players on the market are big media conglomerates, which own companies all across the various media sectors. Even the development of the internet in the 1990’s has not brought significant changes to the media industry. There have not been many new, diverse voices since the internet has gained prominence. Bigger and wider distribution of communication power did not materialize, because the most visited news websites on the internet are those that belong to traditional media owned by huge media conglomerates. The Internet has taken over a significant share of audiences from the more traditional media such as radio and newspapers and it is also increasingly relevant in connection with the American elections. Not only that the following is increasing with every single election. Politicians are aware that the internet is very important. They have the chance to persuade smaller, specific groups of voters.

Keywords:political economy of the media, media conglomerates, concentration of ownership, internet, social media, news media, The United States of America

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