
Primerjava postopkov nove izmere na izbranih območjih : diplomska naloga
ID Humar, Sandra (Author), ID Lisec, Anka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Simčič, Ksenija (Comentor), ID Čeh, Marjan (Comentor)

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MD5: E2827AE5F6A0AA431B0717DAA45CA19E

V nalogi smo obravnavali izbrane projekte nove izmere, ki so se izvajali v zadnjem desetletju v Sloveniji. Analiza primerov nove izmere je namenjena tako vsebinskemu delu izvajanja postopka nove izmere kot časovnemu vidiku. Poudarek je na predstavitvi posebnosti katastrskega urejanja in preurejanja zemljišč na obravnavanih primerih. Cilj je prepoznati probleme oziroma izzive, s katerimi se srečujemo pri izvajanju novih izmer po veljavni zakonodaji. V ta namen smo vključili tudi mnenja izvajalcev glede primernosti trenutnega zakonskega okvirja na področju nove izmere za reševanje teh izzivov. Naredili smo analizo izbranih pet primerov novih izmer in ugotovili, da je izvedba vseh projektov zahtevala približno enako časa, to je štiri mesece. Pri vseh obravnavanih primerih se je naknadno izvajala še parcelacija in izravnava meje na željo nekaterih lastnikov in seveda v dogovoru z Geodetsko upravo RS. S tem smo tudi potrdili hipotezo diplomske naloge, kjer smo predvidevali, da so izzivi nove izmere povezani tudi s katastrskimi preureditvami parcel in ne le z ureditvijo parcelnih meja.

Keywords:parcela, nova izmera, kataster, zakonodaja, preureditev zemljišč
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Humar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124583 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:67535363 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.02.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Comparison of the new cadastral surveying projects for the selected areas : graduation thesis
In this diploma thesis, we have discussed selected projects of new cadastral surveying carried out in the last decade in Slovenia. The analysis of the selected new cadastral surveying projects is devoted to both the substantive part and the time aspect. The emphasis has been on presenting the particularities of cadastral land plot boundary settlement and rearrangements in the selected cases. The aim has been to identify the problems or challenges we face in implementing new cadastral surveying projects following the current legislation. For this purpose, we have also included the opinions of the surveying experts from the practice on the appropriateness of the current legal framework to address these challenges. Based on the analyses of selected five selected cases of new cadastral surveying we found that the implementation of all projects took about the same time, i.e. four months. In all the analysed cases, the land plot subdivisions and boundary adjustments were carried out subsequently at the request of some land plot owners, agreed also with the Surveying and Mapping Authority. With these conclusions, we also have confirmed the thesis hypothesis, where we assumed that the challenges of the new cadastral surveying were also related to the cadastral rearrangements and not just to the settlement of land plot boundaries.

Keywords:land plot, new cadastral survey, cadastre, legislation, land rearrangement

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