
Vpliv gostote saditve na kakovost nižinskih sestojev hrasta doba (Quercus robur L.)
ID Lendvai, Simon (Author), ID Diaci, Jurij (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Kadar naravna obnova ni možna ali uspešna, se najpogosteje poslužujemo umetne obnove s saditvijo. Zaradi visokih stroškov saditve se v praksi uporabljajo vse manjše gostote saditve, ki pa ne dajejo vedno želene kakovosti debel. V tej raziskavi smo analizirali v letih 2011 in 2020 izmerjene rastne in kakovostne parametre izbrancev doba iz štirih naravno in šestih umetno obnovljenih sestojev, ki ležijo v treh največjih gozdnih kompleksih nižinskih dobovih gozdov v Prekmurju (Hraščica, Ginjevec in Črni log). Izbranci doba so v naravno osnovanih sestojih dosegli značilno manjši prsni premer in višino ter višje razmerje H/D kot izbranci v umetno osnovanih sestojih. Večina znakov prihodnje komercialne kakovosti je nakazovala ugodnejši razvoj na izbrancih v naravno obnovljenih sestojih. V teh smo zaznali v poprečju 50 visokokakovostnih izbrancev/ha, v umetno obnovljenih sestojih pa v povprečju za polovico manj. Najmočnejši pozitivni učinek na kakovost izbrancev sta izkazali gostota saditve oziroma gostota naravnega podmladka ter zastiranje drevesne in grmovne plasti. V umetno obnovljenih sestojih smo zaznali značilno boljšo kakovostno strukturo v sestojih z večjo gostoto saditve (nad 5000/ha) v primerjavi s tistimi z manjšo gostoto saditve (pod 5000/ha). Zato priporočamo, da se manjše gostote saditve preizkusijo na način skupinske saditve, ki je v nekaterih raziskavah pokazala obetavne rezultate.

Keywords:hrast dob, gostota saditve, naravna obnova, umetna obnova, kakovost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[S. Lendvai]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124560 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*23:630*17 Quercus robur L.(043.2)=163.6
COBISS.SI-ID:50326787 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.02.2021
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Title:Influence of planting density on the quality of lowland pedunculate oak (Quercus robur L.) stands
Whenever natural regeneration is not possible or successful, we usually resort to artificial regeneration with planting. Due to high planting costs, low-density planting is used in practice, however, this does not always ensure the desired quality of the trunk. In this study, we have analysed the growth and quality parameters of the crop pedunculate oak trees, which were measured in 2011 and 2020, from four naturally and six artificially regenerated stands in the three largest forest complexes of lowland pedunculate oak forests in Prekmurje (Hraščica, Ginjevec and Črni log). The crop pedunculate oak trees from naturally established stands have reached a statistically significant lower diameter at breast height and height as well as a higher H/D ratio than those crop trees from the artificially established stands. Most signs of future commercial quality have indicated a more favourable development of the crop trees from naturally regenerated stands. In these, we detected an average of 50 high-quality crop trees/ha, and in artificially regenerated stands, on average, half less. Planting density and the density of naturally seedlings as well as cover of the tree and shrub layer have proven to have the strongest positive affect on the quality of the crop trees. In the artificially regenerated stands, we have observed a significantly better quality structure in stands with higher planting density (above 5000/ha) than in stands with lower planting density (under 5000/ha). For this reason, we recommend trying lower-density planting in the form of group planting that has shown promising results in some studies.

Keywords:pedunculate oak, planting density, natural regeneration, artificial regeneration, quality

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