
Razvoj aplikacije za izmenjavo sporočil na platformi Android
ID VRANKAR, MATEJ (Author), ID Moškon, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Že ob začetka uporabe mobilnih telefonov so je pri mlajših uporabnikih pokazalo, da rajši komunicirajo preko tekstovnih sporočil kot preko telefonskih klicev. Pred časom pametnih telefonov je bila tekstovna komunikacija možna samo preko SMS sporočil. Ob prihodu pametnih telefonov, ki so imeli možnost neprestane povezave na internet je trg aplikacij za komunikacijo lahko razcvetel. Tako je nastalo mnogo aplikacij, a obdržale so se le nekatere. Med najbolj popularnimi so sedaj Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, SnapChat, Viber, Signal in Telegram. Cilj te diplomske naloge je bil razviti svojo aplikacijo za pošiljanje sporočil. Aplikacija je bila razvita za operacijski sistem Android. Pri razvoju aplikacije Android sem si poenostavil delo z uporabo zunanjih knjižnic, kot so Butterknife, Retrofit, Glide in ColorPicker. Poleg aplikacije Android pa je bilo potrebno razviti še zaledni sistem. Tega sem naredil v programskem jeziku PHP s pomočjo ogrodja Laravel. Za shranjevanje podatkov sem uporabil podatkovno bazo MySQL. Končni rezultat diplomskega dela je zaledni sistem in aplikacija Android, ki omogoča pošiljanje sporočil in slik med uporabniki. Za uporabo aplikacije je potrebna registracija in prijava. Uporabniki lahko komunicirajo med seboj v skupinah, ki jih ustvarijo sami. Možno pošiljati besedilna sporočila in slike.

Keywords:mobilna aplikacija Android, komunikacija, sporočila, skupine, uporabniški profil
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FRI - Faculty of Computer and Information Science
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124517 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:49218563 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:28.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:A simple messaging application for the Android platform
From the very beginning of the use of mobile phones, younger users have shown that they would rather communicate via text messages than phone calls. Before the time of smartphones, text communication was only possible via text messages. With the advent of smartphones, which had the ability to constantly connect to the Internet, the market for communication applications was able to flourish. Thus, many applications were created, but only a few have survived. Among the most popular now are Facebook Messenger, WhatsApp, WeChat, SnapChat, Viber, Signal and Telegram. The aim of this thesis was to develop my own messaging application. The application was developed for the Android operating system. I simplified the work by using external libraries like Butterknife, Retrofit, Glide, and ColorPicker. In addition to Android applications, a back-end system had to be developed. I developed back-end system using the PHP programming language and Laravel framework. For storing data I used MySQL database. The end result of the thesis is a back-end system and Android application that allows sending messages and images between users. Registration and login are required to use the application. Users can communicate with each other in groups that they have created themselves. The application supports sending of text as well as picture messages.

Keywords:Android mobile application, communication, messages, groups, user profile

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