This master's thesis deals with transcreation or creative translation in promotional texts in terms of cultural values on two out of five types of websites presented by researchers Singh and Pereira who base their model on Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions and Edward Hall’s cultural model. A form of translation which is close to copywriting, transcreation is mainly discussed in connection with the reproduction of promotional texts, in particular with consumer goods advertising. The analysis is based on forty consumer goods websites available for the Slovenian and British markets, and consists of three interconnected parts: comparison of culturally customized web features, comparison of twenty slogans, and comparison of ten Slovenian and British advertisements. The master's thesis examines the hypothesis that less than 10% of the websites studied are adapted to the target culture, and answers the research question of whether the differences between slogans and advertisements overlap with certain cultural dimensions. The analysis confirmed the hypothesis since only three out of the forty websites were culturally customized (7.5%). The differences between the examples of slogans and advertisements overlapped greatly with cultural dimensions that apply to Slovenia and the United Kingdom.