
Dijaki na izmenjavi v tujini : diplomsko delo
ID Friškovec, Neti (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu sem se odločila raziskati, kako mednarodna izmenjava programa American Field Service (AFS) spremeni življenje in socialne mreže dijakov. Želela sem odgovoriti tudi na vprašanje, kakšno vlogo imajo v poteku izmenjave finančni položaj, tuj jezik, lokacija izmenjave in obiskovanje šole v tujini. V teoretičnem delu sem najprej zapisala nekaj o dijakih v Sloveniji, o socialnih mrežah in o mednarodnih migracijah. Nato sem raziskala področje mednarodnih izmenjav mladih, razloge za odhod, vplive na odločitev in posledice le-te ter socialne mreže med izmenjavo. Nazadnje sem se dotaknila še organizacije AFS in poteka izmenjave. V empiričnem delu sem predstavila rezultate kvalitativne raziskave, opravljene na vzorcu devetih intervjuvancev, ki so s programom AFS odšli na 10-mesečno izmenjavo v tujino. Rezultati so pokazali, da je večina dijakov s svojo izmenjavo zelo zadovoljna. Težave na izmenjavi so imeli s sklepanjem novih prijateljstev. Izkušnje z družino gostiteljico so v večini odlične, nekateri pa so z njo imeli težave, ki so jih reševali skupaj s kontaktno osebo AFS v tujini. Ob vrnitvi so se za intervjuvance spremenili odnosi z ljudmi v njihovem življenju. Nekateri so po izmenjavi izboljšali odnose s svojo družino. Precej intervjuvancev je izgubilo ali pa zamenjalo prijatelje. Iz izmenjave so dijaki pridobili znanje tujega jezika in številne osebnostne spremembe. Neznanje tujega jezika je otežilo spoznavanje novih ljudi in komunikacijo z novimi prijatelji. Obiskovanje šole v tujini je po mnenju večine intervjuvanih dobra izkušnja. Obiskovanje šole je omogočilo tudi lažje iskanje novih prijateljev. Finančni položaj družine vpliva na to, kakšno izkušnjo bodo imeli udeleženci izmenjave. Je tudi faktor pri odločanju, v katero državo bodo odšli na izmenjavo.

Keywords:izmenjava dijakov, organizacija AFS, socialne mreže, spremembe, migracije za krajše obdobje, mednarodna izmenjava
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Slovenj Gradec
Publisher:[N. Friškovec]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124436 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:50345987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Students on exchange abroad
For my graduation thesis, I researched how the international exchange program American Field service (AFS) changes the lives and social networks of students. I was also interested in what roles do foreign language, location, financial status and going to school in a foreign country have on the course of the exchange. In the theoretical part I wrote about students in Slovenia, social networks and international migrations. Furthermore, I was interested in finding out more about students’ international exchanges, more specifically about reasons to participate in exchange, influences on decision making, the consequences and about social networks during the exchange. Lastly, I found out more about AFS organisation and about the course of the exchange. In the empirical part of the thesis, I presented the results of qualitative research, done on the sample of nine interviewees. Interviewees went on their exchange for ten months. Results showed that the majority of students are very satisfied with their exchange. Problems during the exchange are linked to creating new friendships. Experiences with host families are mostly great, few of interviewees had problems, which they solved with the help of an AFS contact person. When students returned back home, they noticed changes in relationships with people. Some had better relationships with their family. Quite a lot of interviewees lost or changed their friends. The exchange greatly influenced the personality traits of students, they also reported better knowledge of foreign languages. Not knowing foreign languages upon arrival to a new country, made making friends and communicating with them harder. Most of the students said that going to school in a foreign country was good and that it helped create new friendships. The financial status has a role in what experience students will have during the exchange. Moreover, it also has a role in deciding which country students will go to.

Keywords:students exchange, AFS organization, social networks, changes, short-term migrations, international exchange

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