
Jezikovna in slogovna analiza slovenskega prevoda dramskega besedila Božič pri Cupiellovih Eduarda De Filippa
ID Vianello, Chiara (Author), ID Grošelj, Robert (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava jezikovne in slogovne spremembe v slovenskem prevodu dramskega dela Božič pri Cupiellovih, ki ga je v italijanščini napisal dramatik, režiser in igralec Eduardo De Filippo. Cilj raziskave je bil ugotoviti jezikovne in slogovne spremembe v prevodu ter oceniti, v kolikšni meri te vplivajo na izhodiščno besedilo. Analiza je temeljila na prvih 100 replikah vseh treh dejanj. V teoretičnem delu so najprej predstavljeni nekateri vidiki prevajanja dramskih besedil. Poudarek je predvsem na tistih značilnostih, zaradi katerih se prevajanje tovrstnih besedil razlikuje od prevajanja drugih literarnih zvrsti. V drugem teoretičnem poglavju je predstavljeno avtorjevo življenje in delo, analizirano besedilo, nekaj besed pa je namenjenih tudi uprizoritvi prevedenega dela na slovenskih odrih in prevajalcu Srečku Fišerju. Analiza je pokazala, da je večina sprememb, in sicer 57 %, slogovne narave, ostalih 43 % sprememb pa je jezikovno motiviranih. Med spremembami prevladujejo manjše pomenske variacije (86 %), slednje pa so bolj pogoste pri jezikovnih spremembah. Rezultati raziskave bodo uporabni tako teoretično kot praktično, saj nudijo vpogled v jezikovne in slogovne spremembe pri prevodu dramskega dela, obenem pa prikazujejo možne prevajalske rešitve pri prevajanju literarnega besedila z narečnimi prvinami.

Keywords:prevajanje, dramska besedila, jezikovna analiza, slogovna analiza, Eduardo De Filippo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124427 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Linguistic and stylistic analysis of the Slovenian translation of the theatre text Božič pri Cupiellovih (Christmas at Cupiello's) by Eduardo De Filippo
This Master’s thesis discusses linguistic and stylistic shifts in the Slovenian translation of the theatre text Božič pri Cupiellovih (Christmas at Cupiello’s), originally written in Italian by playwright, director, and actor Eduardo De Filippo. The aim of the Master’s thesis is to identify linguistic and stylistic shifts in the translation, and to determine the degree of their influence on the source text. Due to its complexity, the analysis is limited to the first 100 utterances of each of the three acts. In the theoretical part, selected aspects of drama translation are presented. Particular emphasis is put on the characteristics that make translating drama texts completely different from translating other literary genres. In the second theoretical chapter, the author’s life and work are presented, along with the analysed text. The last part is dedicated to the staging of the translated text in Slovenian theatres, and to the translator Srečko Fišer. The analysis shows that the majority of shifts (57 %) is stylistic; the remaining 43 % changes can be classified as linguistic. Minor semantic changes are much more prominent, as they represent 86 % of all the changes, and they can be found mostly among linguistic shifts. The results of the analysis could be useful both theoretically and practically, as they provide an insight into the linguistic and stylistic shifts that occur in a drama translation, while showing possible translation solutions when dealing with a literary text featuring dialect elements.

Keywords:translation, drama texts, linguistic analysis, stylistic analysis, Eduardo De Filippo

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