
Analiza vzrokov za ruralno-urbane migracije v Gani; študija primera moških oseb : študija primera moških oseb
ID Bajc, Patricija (Author), ID Uršič, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V današnjem času so migracije del vsakdana. Ljudje migrirajo na kratke in dolge razdalje, na različne načine in iz različnih razlogov. Skorajda ne obstaja več družba, ki se je migracije še niso dotaknile, kar pripelje do mešanja kultur in velikih družbenih sprememb. V magistrskem delu sem s pomočjo polstrukturiranih intervjujev raziskovala notranje migracije v Gani, natančneje migracije iz ruralnih območij v urbana, kar se je izkazalo kot najpomembnejša oblika migracij v Gani. V tej državi trenutno tudi zaradi posledic migracij poteka hitra urbanizacija. Migracije kot neizogibne posledice ekonomskega razvoja so se namreč izkazale kot eden največjih problemov v državah v razvoju, zaradi katerih prihaja do družbenih sprememb tako v urbanih kot ruralnih območjih. Raziskava je pokazala, da ruralno-urbane migracije v Gani najpogosteje potekajo predvsem iz želje po iskanju boljših življenjskih pogojev in so posledica prostorske neenakosti v stopnjah razvoja, kar v grobem pomeni, da migracije potekajo iz območij z manj v območja z več viri. Glavna razloga za migracije pa sta iskanje boljše zaposlitve in pridobivanje izobrazbe.

Keywords:migracije, notranje migracije, ruralno-urbane migracije, Gana, Afrika, migrant
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Bajc]
Number of pages:89 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124363 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:48071171 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the causes of rural-urban migration in Ghana; male case study : magistrsko delo
Nowadays, migrations are part of everyday life. People migrate short and long distances, in different ways and for different reasons. There is almost no society that has not yet been touched by migration, leading to a mixture of cultures and major social changes. In my master's thesis I was using semi-structured interviews for research on internal migration in Ghana, more specifically migration from rural to urban areas, which proved to be the most important form of migration in Ghana. This country is currently undergoing rapid urbanization due to the consequences of migration. Migration, as an inevitable consequence of economic development, has proven to be one of the biggest problems in developing countries, leading to social change in both urban and rural areas. Research has shown that rural-urban migration in Ghana most often takes place mainly out of a desire for better living conditions and is the result of spatial inequality in development stages. This means that migration takes place from resource deficient areas to areas with natural goods and adequate infrastructure. The main reasons for migration, however, are the search for better employment and education.

Keywords:migration, internal migration, rural-urban migration, Ghana, Africa, migrant.

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