
Vpliv samokompresije na žlezno dozo in debelino dojke v mamografski diagnostiki : magistrsko delo
ID Bravhar, Polona (Author), ID Mekiš, Nejc (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Alukić, Erna (Comentor), ID Marolt-Mušič, Maja (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Rak dojke je najpogostejši rak pri ženskah v Sloveniji. Mamografija je ena od osnovnih preiskav pri zgodnjem odkrivanju raka dojk. Z mamografijo lahko zgodaj odkrivamo RD, v stadiju, ko še ni tipen, ne presega velikosti deset milimetrov v premeru in ne kaže klinične slike. Namen: Namen je ugotoviti, ali se bo spremenila kompresijska sila, debelina dojke in povprečna žlezna doza pri mamografiji v CC projekciji, če pacientka dojko komprimira sama namesto običajnega protokola, kjer jo komprimira radiološki inženir. Preučevali bomo tudi morebitne razlike v sili kompresije med levo in desno dojko ter ugotovili, kakšna je kakovost slike pri samokompresiji v primerjavi z običajnim protokolom. Metode dela: V raziskavi smo uporabili presečno študijo z eksperimentalno metodo. Z raziskavo smo zajeli 200 pacientk. Sto pacientk je najprej opravilo samokontrolo kompresije desne dojke, medtem ko je levo dojko komprimiral radiološki inženir po standardni metodi. V drugi skupini pa je najprej radiološki inženir naredil standardno sliko na desni dojki, levo dojko so si nato pacientke komprimirale same. Za vsako pacientko smo zabeležili silo kompresije (N), debelino dojke (mm) in povprečno žlezno dozo (MGD). Po zbranih rezultatih sta dva zdravnika radiologa ocenila kakovost slike. Rezultati: V povprečju je bila debelina dojke pri samokompresiji tanjša za 2,43 mm od debeline dojke, slikane s standardno metodo. V povprečju je kompresijska sila samokompresije za 19,8 N večja kot pri kompresiji, ki jo opravi radiološki inženir. Povprečna žlezna doza pri samokompresiji je manjša za 0,09 mGy v primerjavi s standardno metodo, razlika je statistično značilna v srednji vrednosti, vendar je ta razlika zelo majhna, skoraj zanemarljiva. Pri debelini dojke, sili kompresije in povprečni žlezni dozi ni statistično značilnih razlik med levo in desno samokompresijo. Pri skupni oceni vseh kriterijev smo dokazali, da ni statistično značilnih razlik v oceni slik med kompresijo, ki jo je opravil radiološki inženir, in samokompresijo. Razprava in zaključek: Rezultati so pokazali, da je samokompresija boljša od standardne kompresije, ki jo opravlja radiološki inženir. Za pacientke samokompresija predstavlja aktivno sodelovanje v preiskavi in jim predstavlja izziv, s katerim usmerijo svoje misli stran od bolečine.

Keywords:magistrska dela, radiološka tehnologija, mamografija, samokompresija, kompresijska sila, debelina dojke, povprečna žlezna doza
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[P. Bravhar]
Number of pages:49 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124148 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:46006275 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.01.2021
BRAVHAR, Polona, 2020, Vpliv samokompresije na žlezno dozo in debelino dojke v mamografski diagnostiki : magistrsko delo [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : P. Bravhar. [Accessed 29 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Effect of self-compression on the glandular dose and breast thickness in mammographic diagnostics : master thesis
Introduction: Breast cancer has been the most common cancer in Slovenian women since 1968. Mammography is one of fundamental investigations in the early detection of breast cancer. With use of mammography we can detect breast cancer when it is not yet tactile, its diameter does not exceed size of ten millimeters and it does not show a clinical picture. Purpose: The purpose is to determine whether the compression force, breast thickness and average glandular dose will change on mammography in CC projection if the patient compresses her breast compared to the conventional protocol where compression is performed by radiological engineer. We will also compare potential distinctions in compression force between left and right breast, and find out whether image quality deteriorates in a case of self-compression compared to conventional protocol. Methods: In the study, we used a cross-sectional study with an experimental method. The study included 200 patients. One hundred patients initially performed self-control of right breast compression, then the left breast was compressed by a radiological engineer using a standard method. In the second group, a radiological engineer initially made a standard image on the right breast, then the left breast was compressed by patients themselves. Compression force (N), breast thickness (mm) and mean glandular dose (MGD) were recorded for each patient. According to collected results, two radiologists assessed a quality of images. Results: On average, the thickness of the breast with self-compression was 2.43mm lesser than the thickness of the breast imaged by the standard method. On average, the compression force of a self-compression was 19.8N greater than in a case of compression performed by a radiological engineer. The average glandular dose in self-compression is lower by 0.09mGy compared to the standard method, the difference is statistically significant in the mean, but this difference is very small, almost negligible. There are no statistically significant differences between left and right self-compression in breast thickness, compression force, and average glandular dose. In the overall assessment of all criteria, we proved that there were no statistically significant differences in the rate of images between compression performed by radiological engineer and self-compression. Discussion and conclusion: The results showed that self-compression is better than standard compression performed by a radiological engineer. For patients, self-compression represents a kind of active participation in investigation, and gives them a chance to distance themselves from a pain.

Keywords:master's theses, radiologic technology, mammography, self-compression, compression force, breast thickness, mean glandular dose

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