
Pravice stanovalcev v institucionalnem varstvu s poudarkom na Zakonu o pacientovih pravicah : magistrsko delo
ID Mehić, Atifa (Author), ID Ivanc, Blaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pandel Mikuš, Ruža (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Ko življenje starostnika v domačem okolju zaradi različnih vzrokov ni več mogoče, se je le ta prisiljen zateči v dom za starejše občane. Vzroki za odhod iz domačega okolja so različni: starost, osamljenost, oslabelost, fizične ali psihične bolezni, nezmožnost svojcev poskrbeti za svojega starega in onemoglega svojca in podobno. Med prevladujočimi razlogi za preselitev v domove starejših občanov so zdravstveni razlogi, saj je večina sprejemov v domove za starejše neposredno iz bolnišnic. Domovi starejših občanov zagotavljajo vse oblike pomoči, s katerimi se stanovalcem nadomešča ali dopolnjuje funkcijo doma ali lastne družine, zlasti pa bivanje, organizirano prehrano, varstvo in zdravstveno varstvo. Stanovalcem v domovih starejših občanov je potrebno zagotoviti vse temeljne človekove pravice ter tudi pravice, ki izhajajo iz Zakona o pacientovih pravicah. Namen: Namen magistrskega dela je na podlagi poročila Inšpektorata za delo Republike Slovenije, dveh odločitev Višjega sodišča v Ljubljani ter letnih poročil Varuha človekovih pravic preučiti in ugotoviti, katere pravice stanovalcev v domovih starejših občanov so najbolj pogosto kršene oziroma, zaradi katerih pravic stanovalci in njihovi svojci poiščejo pomoč Varuha. Metode dela: Podatke o zagotavljanju pravic stanovalcev smo pridobili s pomočjo analize in primerjave dokumentov institucij, ki so pristojne za varstvo pravic stanovalcev v institucionalnem varstvu. Pri raziskavi za potrebe magistrskega dela sta pri zbiranju podatkov uporabljeni deskriptivna metoda in primerjalna metoda raziskovanja s področja pravne znanosti s proučevanjem domače in tuje literature ter spletnih virov. Rezultati: Ugotovljena dejstva so pokazala, da so pravice stanovalcev v domovih starejših občanov še vedno pogosto kršene. Razprava in zaključek: Težko je ugotoviti, kolikšno je točno število stanovalcev v domovih starejših, katerim so kršene pravice ter, katere pravice so najbolj pogosto kršene, saj se le redki obrnejo na Varuha človekovih pravic. Je pa zelo spodbujajoče, da se velika večina pobud o kršitvi človekovih pravic v domovih starejših občanov izkažejo za neutemeljene. Iz Varuhovih letnih poročil je razvidno, da so številne kršitve posledica kadrovske podhranjenosti in neustreznih prostorov. Pričakovati je, da se bo ob odpravi teh težav število kršenih pravic stanovalcev domov starejših občanov bistveno zmanjšalo.

Keywords:magistrska dela, zdravstvena nega, pravice, Zakon o pacientovih pravicah, dom starejših občanov, stanovalci
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Mehić]
Number of pages:100 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-124131 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:46057987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.01.2021
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Secondary language

Title:The rights of the residents in the institutional care with emphasis on the Patient's rights act : master thesis
Introduction: When an elderly person is no longer able to live in his domestic environment, he or she is forced to seek help in an elderly citizens home. There are various reasons for leaving the domestic environment such as: age, loneliness, weakness, physical and mental diseases, the family´s inability to take care of the elderly family member. One of the main reasons for going to the elderly citizens home is bad health condition, since most elderly citizens are sent to elderly citizens homes directly from hospitals. The elderly citizens homes ensure every form of assistance by which the function of home and family is substituted. Especially, when it comes to residing, organised nutrition, protection and health care. The fundamental human rights and all rights which are guaranteed by the Patient Right’s Act must be provided for the residents. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to study and determine which rights of nursing homes residents are most frequently violated and what are the reasons that the residents and their family members seek the Ombudsman’s help according to the Labour Inspektorate of the Republic of Slovenia’s report, two Ljubljana Higher Court’s conclusions, and the Human Rights Ombudsman’s annual reports. Methods: Data regarding the assurance of residents rights in an institutional care were obtained by analysing and comparing documents provided by institutions responsible for protection of the institutional care residents rights. Descriptive method and comparative method of research in the field of law by examining domestic and foreign literature along with online sources were used to collect data for the purpose of the thesis. Results: The facts indicate that the rights of elderly homes are still frequently violated. Discussion and conclusion: It is hard to determine the exact number of elderly homes citizens whose rights are being violated and which are those rights since only a few of them decide to seek Ombudsman’s help. Nevertheless, the fact that many initiatives regarding the violation of the human rights in elderly homes turn out to be unjustified is promising. Based on the analysis of Ombudsman’s annual reports, we can conclude that the detected violations are very often a result of the lack of employees and the places being unsuitable. After these problems are solved, we may expect that the number of violated rights will decrease.

Keywords:master's theses, nursing care, rights, Patient right’s act, elderly home, residents

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