This master’s thesis will present how we understand the crisis of democracy, which was established in a report by the Trilateral Commission in 1975 as a crisis of governability. The entire composition of research is elaborated on in two parallel spaces: political and economic, within which we elaborate on the imagination of a crisis of democracy. The crisis can firstly be understood as a crisis of representation and a crisis of political legitimacy, which we will later expand into the field of neoliberalism. We understand democracy in relation to the economic crisis in 2008, which enables us to think of the crisis as a crisis of democracy, which not only results in a crisis of political trust and a crisis of representative democracy, but also appears imperatively the conceptualization of the correlation between democracy and neoliberalism, as well as the question of depoliticisation of politics, which we shape through relations of politics and democracy, because it will enable us to establish new spaces and discourse. In the area of global political economy we will analyze the structure of the Trilateral Commission, the creation of the former American president Jimmy Carter’s victory at the presidential elections, and the generating of US foreign policy. The main topic of the master’s thesis is located within the concept of democracy, where we thematize the crisis of democracy, which explicitly seems to be a problem, which requires urgent consideration. We will not only question what democracy is and what it should be, but also the transformation of politics and it’s current state.