
Veganstvo v nosečnosti, prednosti in slabosti : diplomsko delo
ID Kraigher, Anuša (Avtor), ID Pandel Mikuš, Ruža (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu, ID Mivšek, Ana Polona (Recenzent)

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Uvod: Veganska prehrana je v današnjem času vse bolj pogosta, tudi med nosečnicami. Na pregledih pogosto sprašujejo, če se lahko vegansko prehranjujejo tudi med nosečnostjo, ter ali je to primerno za razvoj njihovega otroka. Strokovnjaki potrjujejo, da je dobro načrtovana veganska prehrana, ki temelji na široki raznovrstnosti rastlinske hrane in izključuje vsa živila živalskega izvora, ustrezna v vseh življenjskih obdobjih, vključno z nosečnostjo. Namen: Predstavljeno bo nekaj o veganski prehrani, prednostih in slabostih veganske prehrane v nosečnosti ter kako so gestacijski diabetes, hipertenzija v nosečnosti in anemija povezani z veganskim prehranjevanjem. Z objavo izsledkov diplomskega dela bomo seznanili nosečnice, kako veganska prehrana vpliva na nosečnost, plod in mamo. Metode dela: Uporabili smo kvalitativno metodo raziskovanja s pregledom strokovne in znanstvene literature. Obstoječo znanstveno literaturo smo iskali v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku s pomočjo podatkovnih baz (PubMed, DiKUL, COBISS, Google učenjak). Literatura je omejena na obdobje izdaje od leta 2000 do leta 2020. Pri iskanju literature smo uporabili naslednje ključne besede: veganstvo, nosečnost, gestacijski diabetes, gestacijska hipertenzija, anemija. Rezultati: Veganske diete lahko ustrezajo potrebam po ustreznih hranilih, kot so beljakovine, železo, cink, jod, kalcij in so lahko ustrezna izbira za vsa življenjska obdobja, vključno z nosečnostjo, pod pogojem, da so dobro načrtovane. Težave so bile pri osebah, ki niso upoštevale ustreznega vnosa hranil. Med nosečnostjo so kritična hranila beljakovine, omega-3 maščobne kisline, železo, cink, jod in kalcij. Zaradi večjega zanimanja za vegansko prehrano morajo zdravstveni delavci poznati značilnosti dobre veganske prehrane, da lahko ženskam pravilno svetujejo. Veganska prehrana postaja vse bolj razširjena v celotni populaciji zahodnega sveta, kjer ti prehranski vzorci predstavljajo zdrave izbire prehrane. Razprava in zaključek: Dobro načrtovana veganska prehrana je ustrezna, če sledi vsem potrebam po hranilih. Spodbuja se uživanje raznovrstnih rastlinskih živil, pozornost je usmerjena na potencialno kritična hranila, kot so beljakovine, železo, cink, vitamin D, B12, kalcij. Je ustrezen način prehranjevanja tudi v nosečnosti, ko so vključena vsa omenjena potrebna hranila. Zaradi vse večjega zanimanja je treba še dodatno raziskati učinke veganske prehrane in informirati zdravstvene delavce o pravilnem načinu veganskega prehranjevanja.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:diplomska dela, babištvo, veganstvo, nosečnost, gestacijski diabetes, gestacijska hipertenzija, anemija
Vrsta gradiva:Diplomsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.11 - Diplomsko delo
Organizacija:ZF - Zdravstvena fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[A. Kraigher]
Leto izida:2020
Št. strani:33 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-123327 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:43737859 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:19.12.2020
Število ogledov:1987
Število prenosov:373
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Vegan diet in pregnancy, advantages and disadvantages : diploma work
Introduction: Vegan diets are becoming more common these days, even among pregnant women. At medical examination they often ask if they can eat vegan even during pregnancy, and if this is appropriate for their child’s development. Experts confirm that a well-planned vegan diet based on a wide variety of plant foods and excluding all foods of animal origin is adequate at all stages of life, including pregnancy. Purpose: There will be a presentation on the vegan diet, the pros and cons of a vegan diet in pregnancy, and how gestational diabetes, hypertension in pregnancy, and anemia are related to the vegan diet. By publishing the results of the thesis, we will acquaint pregnant women how the vegan diet affects pregnancy, the fetus and the mother. Methods: We used a qualitative research method with a review of professional and scientific literature. We searched the existing scientific literature in English and Slovenian with the help of databases (PubMed, DiKUL, COBISS, Google Scholar). The literature is limited to the period of publication from 2000 to 2020. In searching for the literature, we used the following keywords: vegan, pregnancy, gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, anemia. Results: Vegan diets can meet the needs of appropriate nutrients such as protein, iron, zinc, iodine, calcium and can be an appropriate choice for all stages of life, including pregnancy, provided they are well planned. The problems were in people who did not follow an adequate nutrient intake. During pregnancy, the critical nutrients are protein, omega-3 fatty acids, iron, zinc, iodine and calcium. Because of the growing interest in the vegan diet, healthcare professionals need to know the characteristics of a complete vegan diet in order to be able to advise women properly. The vegan diet is becoming more prevalent in the entire population of the western world, where these dietary patterns represent healthy dietary choices. Discussion and conclusion: A well-planned vegan diet is appropriate if it follows all the criteria, the consumption of a variety of plant foods is encouraged, attention is focused on potentially critical nutrients such as protein, iron, zinc, vitamin D, B₁₂, calcium. It is an appropriate way of eating even in pregnancy, when all the necessary nutrients are included. Due to the growing interest, it is necessary to further investigate the effects of the vegan diet and also to inform healthcare professionals about the proper way to eat vegan. A well-planned vegan diet is appropriate if it follows all your nutrient needs. The consumption of a variety of plant foods is encouraged, attention is focused on potentially critical nutrients such as protein, iron, zinc, vitamin D, B₁₂, calcium. It is an appropriate way of eating even in pregnancy, when all the mentioned necessary nutrients are included. Due to the growing interest, it is necessary to further investigate the effects of the vegan diet and also to inform healthcare professionals about the proper way to eat vegan.

Ključne besede:diploma theses, midwifery, vegan, pregnancy, gestational diabetes, gestational hypertension, anemia

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