
Mozaiki v sinagogi v Huququ
ID Lipovac, Katarina (Author), ID Kavčič, Nataša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zaključna seminarska naloga sledi razvoju judovske umetnosti na primeru analize poslikav in mozaikov iz sinagog v Duri Europos in Huqoqu. Bistveni del naloge obravnava problematiko figuralnih upodobitev in vpliv druge božje zapovedi na ikonografski repertoar, ki je bil prisoten v notranjščini sinagog. Cilj naloge je bil analizirati mozaike iz sinagoge v Huqoqu, ki je bila odkrita 2011. leta in umestiti jih v širši kontekst judovske umetnosti. Analiza literature in primerjava obeh sinagog sta privedli do ugotovitve, da je enostavno premalo arheološkega gradiva in literarnih podatkov, da bi lahko z zanesljivostjo izoblikovali kakršnokoli interpretacijo, ki bi nam pomagala razumeti kaj so določeni simboli in prikazi pomenili v določenem kraju in času. Ravno tako je težko določiti v kateri meri je umetnost imela didaktično funkcijo. Uporabljeni viri in literatura vključujejo monografije, strokovne časopisne članke, poročila iz arheoloških najdbišč, leksikone in internetne vire.

Keywords:umetnost sinagoge, figurativna umetnost, druga božja zapoved, Huqoq, Dura Europos
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-123323 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.12.2020
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Title:Mossaics in Huqoq Synagogue
This undergraduate thesis follows the development of Jewish art based on analysis of paintings and mosaics from the synagogues in Dura Europos and Huqoq. An essential part of the thesis deals with the issue of figural representations and the influence of the second commandment of God on the iconographic repertoire that was present in the interior of the synagogues. The goal of the thesis is to analyse the mosaics from the synagogue in Huqoq, which were discovered in 2011, and place them in the broader context of Jewish art. An analysis of the literature and a comparison of the two synagogues led to the conclusion that there is simply a lack of archaeological material and literary data to reliably formulate any interpretation to help us understand what certain symbols and representations meant in a particular place and time. It is also difficult to determine the extent to which art had a didactic function. Sources and literature used include monographs, professional newspaper articles, reports from archaeological sites, lexicons, and Internet resources.

Keywords:synagogue art, figurative art, second commandment, Huqoq, Dura Europos

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