
Vihanje pločevin pri obremenitvi z bočnim pritiskom. : magistrsko delo
ID Toporiš, Matej (Author), ID Može, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Do vihanja, kot porušitve, običajno pride pri preklopnih vijačenih spojih s tankimi pločevinami, kjer se obremenitev med pločevinami prenaša preko bočnih pritiskov med vijaki in pločevino. Zaradi visokih bočnih pritiskov, se prosti del pločevine izboči izven svoje ravnine, kar zmanjšuje nosilnost na bočni pritisk. Ker vpliva vihanja trenutno ne zajema noben standard za projektiranje, je bil pojav numerično preučen, da bi razumeli mehansko obnašanje tega fenomena in razvili preprosto formulacijo, ki upošteva redukcijo nosilnosti. V nalogi je predlagan redukcijski faktor, ki upošteva padec nosilnosti zaradi vihanja. Podobno evrokodovem pristopu, je redukcijski faktor odvisen od izračunane relativne vitkosti. Elastična kritična sila, pri kateri se pojavi vihanje je bila izračunana preko numerične parametrične študije uklonskih analiz, izvedenih v programskem okolju za račun po metodi končnih elementov Abaqus. Rezultati študije so bili uporabljeni za razvoj preprostega analitičnega modela za določitev elastične kritične sile. Redukcijski faktor je bil določen na podlagi odvisnosti numeričnih nelinearnih analiz. Nosilnosti vijačnih preklopnih spojev so bile določene na podlagi geometrijsko in materialno nelinearnih analiz, z upoštevanjem začetne geometrijske nepopolnosti (GMNIA), pri katerih smo upoštevali različne spremenljive parametre, in sicer razmerje med premerom vijaka in debeline pločevine, robni razdalji e1 in e2, trdnostni razred materiala (S235, S690), amplitudo začetne nepopolnosti in različne robne pogoje.

Keywords:vihanje pločevin, bočni pritisk, Abaqus, vijačeni preklopni spoji, visoko kvalitetno jeklo, geometrijske nepopolnosti
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[M. Toporiš]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122953 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:46977283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Influence of plate curling on bolt bearing resistance. : master thesis
Curling failure typically appears in bolted connections with thin plates, where the force is transferred by bolt bearing. The curling phenomena is related to the high compressive stresses caused by bolt bearing, which cause the plates to buckle, reducing the bearing strength of connections. Since the reduction of the bearing strength due to curling is not considered in design codes, the curling phenomenon has been studied numerically to understand the mechanical behaviour and to develop simple design rules that take into account the reduction in bearing strength. The reduction factor was developed taking into account the Eurocode approach, i.e. by calculating the elastic critical force associated to curling and the associated relative slenderness. Therefore, the elastic critical force in relation to curling was obtained by parametric buckling analysis in finite element software Abaqus. These results were used to develop a simple analytical model for the calculation of the elastic critical curling force. The reduction factor was obtained from the relationship between the results of the parametric GMNIA and the relative slenderness. The strength of single bolt lap connections was determined by geometrical and material nonlinear analysis with imperfections (GMNIA) considering various parameters, namely ratio of the bolt diameter to plate thickness, end distance e1, edge distance e2, material grade (S235, S690), amplitude of imperfections and boundary conditions. The accuracy of the reduction factor for bearing strength is checked on the basis of experimental data given in the literature.

Keywords:curling failure, bolt bearing, Abaqus, bolted lap connections, high strength steel, geometric imperfections

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