
Globalna analiza in dimenzioniranje montažnih elementov industrijskih prostorov Iskra mehanizmi
ID Stermecki, Marko (Author), ID Lopatič, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Pavlinjek, Marko (Comentor)

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Magistrsko delo obsega globalno analizo in dimenzioniranje izbranih montažnih elementov novih industrijskih prostorov podjetja Iskra Mehanizmi, ki se bodo gradili v novi industrijski coni na Brniku. Obravnavana konstrukcija je armiranobetonska hala, nosilni elementi slednje so bodisi montažni bodisi izvedeni na licu mesta. Na začetku smo izvedli globalno analizo konstrukcije v programu Sofistik, rezultate te pa smo v nadaljevanju uporabili za dimenzioniranje montažnih stebrov. Poleg dimenzioniranja montažnih stebrov smo opravili tudi dimenzioniranje montažnih predhodno napetih nosilcev, ki smo jih, zaradi njihovega načina naleganja, lahko obravnavali kot izolirane elemente. Pri načinu montažne gradnje so nosilci v različnih fazah gradnje obremenjeni z različnimi obtežbami, zaradi naknadnega zalivanja dela nosilca (monolitizacije) po montaži, pa se spreminja tudi sama oblika prečnega prereza. V ta namen smo v programu Sofistik s pomočjo urejevalnika Teddy pripravili posebno podlogo, ki upošteva časovno spreminjanje prečnega prereza in obtežbe. Vzporedno smo izdelali tudi BIM model konstrukcije v programu Revit, ki smo ga na koncu uporabili za izdelavo montažnih načrtov obravnavanih elementov.

Keywords:globalna analiza montažne konstrukcije, dimenzioniranje montažnih elementov, postopno obremenjevanje nosilcev, BIM
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122951 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.12.2020
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Title:Global analysis and design of prefabricated elements of industrial hall Iskra Mehanizmi
In this master thesis global analysis and design of selected prefabricated elements of the new industrial hall of the company Iskra Mehanizmi, which will be built in the new industrial zone in Brnik was performed. Structure is a reinforced concrete hall and it is a combination of cast-in-place concrete elements and prefabricated elements made in factory. At the beginning global analysis of the structure using the Sofistik software was performed, results were later used in design of the prefabricated columns. In addition, design of prefabricated prestressed beams, considered as isolated elements was performed. In prefabricated type of construction, the beams in different phases are loaded differently and due to the subsequent concreting of the part of the beam after assembly, the shape of the cross section itself also changes. For this purpose, special scrypt with the help of the Teddy editor in the Sofistik software was prepared, which takes into account the time-varying cross-section and load. In parallel, BIM model of the structure in the Revit program was developed, which was later used to make assembly plans of considered elements.

Keywords:global analysis, design of prefabricated elements, BIM modelling, time-varying load

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