
Rekonstrukcija transformatorske postaje
ID ŠKRLJ, BOŠTJAN (Author), ID Blažič, Boštjan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Cilj diplomske naloge je bil izdelati projekt, v katerem je predvidena zamenjava celotne opreme v transformatorski postaji. Predstavljeni so problemi, s katerimi se projektant sreča med izdelavo projekta, kaj vse je treba upoštevati pri projektiranju, ter razlogi za menjavo transformatorja in opreme v transformatorski postaji. Transformatorska postaja je sestavljena iz treh glavnih komponent: iz nizkonapetostne razdelilne stikalne omare, srednjenapetostne razdelilne stikalne omare ter transformatorja. Ker je za učinkovito in zanesljivo distribucijo električne energije do porabnikov potrebna zanesljiva oprema v transformatorskih postajah, jo je treba v določenih časovnih okvirih zamenjati z novo. Življenjska doba distribucijskih transformatorjev je približno 40 let. Stikalne omare se običajno zamenjajo, ko te več ne zagotavljajo varnih in zanesljivih stikalnih manipulacij. V tej diplomski nalogi je predvidena zamenjava starega transformatorja z novim distribucijskim transformatorjem tipa 7HTlM, moči 400 kVA, proizvajalca Kolektor Etra. Za vgradnjo novega srednjenapetostnega stikalnega bloka je predviden Siemensov tipa 8DJH, polnjen s plinom SF6. Nizkonapetostni stikalni blok pa bo izdelalo podjetje IMP TEN in bo narejen po naročilu, v skladu z izračuni ter potrebami transformatorske postaje. V diplomski nalogi je opisan postopek menjave opreme v transformatorski postaji. Predstavljena je vsa oprema, predvidena za vgradnjo. Na podlagi izračunov, predstavljenih v zaključnem delu, so bile izbrane vse potrebne komponente, ki se bodo vgradile v transformatorsko postajo.

Keywords:transformatorska postaja, transformator, SN stikalni blok, NN stikalni blok, distribucijsko omrežje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122943 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:17.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Secondary substation reconstruction
The main goal of the diploma thesis was to create a project in which, the replacement of all equipment in the transformer station is planned. In the diploma are presented all the problems that a designer may encounter during the production of the project. It also presents what needs to be taken into account when designing and the reasons for replacing the transformer. The transformer station consists of three main components: a low-voltage distribution switch cabinet, a medium-voltage distribution cabinet and a transformer. Since we need reliable equipment in transformer stations for efficient and reliable distribution of electricity to customers, the equipment must be replaced with new equipment within certain time frames. The service life of a distribution transformer is about 40 years. Switch cabinets are usually replaced when they no longer provide safe and reliable switch manipulations. This diploma thesis plans the replacement of the old transformer with a new Kolektor Etra distribution transformer type 7HTIM with a power range of 400 kVA. For the installation of new medium-voltage switchgear, a Siemens switchgear type 8DJH filled with SF6 gas is planned. The low-voltage switchgear will be manufactured by IMP-TEN Company and will be made to order in according to the calculations and needs of the transformer station.

Keywords:transformer station, transformer, MV switching block, LV switching block, distribution network

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