Human emissions of substances into the air have encouraged world politics to protect the environment. In addition to other measures and regulations for environmental protection, the European Union encourages Slovenia to use the so-called renewable energy sources. To increase the use of renewable energy sources, a National Action Plan for Renewable Energy Sources was established in Slovenia. According to the Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia, the share of gross final consumption of energy from renewable sources in Slovenia in 2018 amounted to 21.15%, which is less than the set target. In the same year, households consumed approximately 12,000 TJ (approx. 3.3 TWh) of electricity. Households can contribute to covering this consumption with their own solar power plants, which converts solar radiation directly into electricity. Various materials are used to produce solar cells, a common feature of which is the ability to convert solar radiation into electricity (photovoltaic effect). Photovoltaic systems are divided into stand-alone and grid-connected systems. Grid-connected system must be connected according to the instructions of the system operator. A current measure that enables households to generate electricity and thus reduce their own consumption is net metering service option. Despite its topicality, its economic viability and its impact on the grid are questionable. If we consider solar energy as the main solution to meet European renewable energy requirements for usage of renewable energy sources, then this can be a difficult obstacle to overcome.