
Doživljanje sorojencev v družinah z otrokom s posebnimi potrebami : magistrsko delo
ID Makovec, Manuela (Avtor), ID Cvetek, Mateja (Mentor) Več o mentorju... Povezava se odpre v novem oknu

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MD5: F24E9DAAFE9C68FC75D011809224C50E

Z magistrskim delom je avtorica želela odgovoriti na raziskovalno vprašanje, s katerimi vidiki oziroma pojmi lahko pojasnimo mladostnikovo doživljanje izkušnje imeti brata oziroma sestro s posebnimi potrebami. Pri raziskovanju je uporabila metodo osnovane teorije. Empirične podatke za raziskavo je pridobila s poglobljenimi intervjuji, ki jih je opravila s sorojenci mladostniki, ki imajo izkušnjo živeti v družini z otrokom s posebnimi potrebami. Avtorica je s procesom odprtega in osnega kodiranja oblikovala štiri glavne kategorije: družina v procesu sprejemanja otroka s PP, družinski in družbeni odnosi, sorojenčeva izkušnja živeti v družini z otrokom s PP, sorojenčev vidik otroka s PP. Posamezne kategorije je opisala s pripadajočimi podrednimi kategorijami, kjer je doživljanje sorojencev v primeru sorojenskega odnosa z otrokom s PP primerjala z obstoječimi raziskavami in teorijami, ki so pripomogle k razumevanju njihovega doživljanja. V raziskavi je ugotovila, da se sorojenci otrok s PP soočajo s težkimi čustvi, ki vplivajo na oblikovanje njihove osebnosti in splošnega razvoja. Ugotovila je, da nekateri sorojenci v izkušnji sorojenskega odnosa z otrokom s PP lažje, drugi težje shajajo z izzivi v njihovem življenju. Pomembna ugotovitev avtorice je, da sorojenci mladostniki na splošno še nimajo razvitih strategij, ki bi jim omogočale, da se spopadajo z občutki pretirane odgovornosti, postaršenega odnosa do sorojenca s PP, krivde, zapostavljenosti in podobno. Na podlagi vpogleda v doživljanje sorojencev je avtorica prišla do zaključka, da je potreba po podpori sorojencem v družinah z otrokom s PP na podlagi njihovega opisovanja doživljanja tako močno izražena, da je ni moč spregledati. Magistrsko delo je doprinos pri prenosu spoznanj, ki se povezujejo z modelom relacijske družinske terapije. Področje sorojenskega odnosa v družini z otrokom s PP je v slovenskem prostoru raziskovalo že kar nekaj avtorjev, vendar se le ti niso osredotočali na globino doživljanja sorojencev, ki vpliva na njihov razvoj in oblikovanje nadaljnjega življenja. Rezultati empiričnega dela prinašajo pomembne informacije populaciji, ki se ukvarja s sorojenci otrok s PP. Vpogled v globino doživljanja sorojencev drugim ponuja možnosti za oblikovanje in nudenje ustreznega načina podpore in pomoči pri oblikovanju strategij soočanja s težkimi občutji.

Jezik:Slovenski jezik
Ključne besede:sorojenci, otrok s posebnimi potrebami, doživljanje sorojencev, družina z otrokom s posebnimi potrebami, relacijska družinska terapija
Vrsta gradiva:Magistrsko delo/naloga
Tipologija:2.09 - Magistrsko delo
Organizacija:TEOF - Teološka fakulteta
Kraj izida:Ljubljana
Založnik:[M. Makovec]
Leto izida:2020
Št. strani:VIII, 183, II str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122936 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
COBISS.SI-ID:45172739 Povezava se odpre v novem oknu
Datum objave v RUL:17.12.2020
Število ogledov:1724
Število prenosov:270
Metapodatki:XML DC-XML DC-RDF
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Sekundarni jezik

Jezik:Angleški jezik
Naslov:Experience of siblings in families with a child with special needs
In her master's thesis, the author seeks to an answer of a research question ‘which aspects or concepts can explain the adolescent's experience of having a brother or sister with special needs’. She used the method of grounded theory in her research. Empirical data for the research were obtained through in-depth interviews conducted with siblings of adolescents who have experience with living in a family with a child with special needs. Through the process of open and axial coding, the author formed four main categories: family in the process of accepting a child with SN, family and social relations, sibling's experience of living in a family with a child with SN, sibling's aspect of a child with SN. She describes individual categories with the corresponding sub-categories, where she compares the experience of siblings in the case of a sibling relationship with a child with SN with existing research and theories that helps to understand their experience. In the study, she finds that siblings of children with SN face difficult emotions that affect the formation of their personality and overall development. She also finds that some siblings experience the relationship with a child with SN more easily, while others find it harder to cope with the challenges in their lives. An important finding of the author is that adolescent siblings generally do not yet have developed strategies that would allow them to cope with feelings of excessive responsibility, ageing attitude towards a sibling with SN, guilt, neglect and similar. Based on the insight into the experience of siblings, the author comes to the conclusion that the need to support siblings in families with a child with SN, based on their description of the experience, is so strong that it cannot be overlooked. The master's thesis is a contribution to the transfer of knowledge related to the model of relational family therapy. The field of sibling relations in families with children with SN has been researched in Slovenia by several authors, but they do not focus on the depth of experience of siblings, which influences their development and the formation of later life. Results of empirical work provide important information to the population dealing with siblings of children with SN. Insight into the depth of the siblings' experience offers others opportunities to design and provide appropriate support and help in formulating strategies for coping with difficult feelings.

Ključne besede:siblings, child with special needs, experience of siblings, family with a child with special needs, relational family therapy

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