
Religija in nogomet: komparativna analiza : komparativna analiza
ID Vidmar, Denise (Author), ID Črnič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Šport in religija sta dva izmed družbeno in kulturno zakoreninjenih pojavov, ki sta preko poglobljenega pogleda med seboj prepletena. Sta kulturni univerzaliji in njuna skupna pot se začne že zgodaj v antični Grčiji. Prav tako kot v religiji poznamo verske institucije, so se tudi v športu sčasoma izoblikovale institucije in posamezne organizacije s svojimi pravili, praksami ter običaji. Moderni šport se vedno bolj razvija, medtem ko vpliv religije, kakršnega poznamo, upada oziroma se spreminja hkrati z družbo. Zaradi prepletanja med športom in religijo sem s pomočjo komparativne analize izpostavila njune skupne značilnosti ter z analizo sekundarnih virov poskušala ugotoviti ali nogomet vsebuje funkcije in občutke, ki lahko nadomestijo religijo. Pri tem je poudarek na funkcionalističnem pristopu preučevanja religije. Religija med drugim opravlja funkcijo integracije, ki je pomembna za delovanje in obstoj družbe tako, da ni nič nenavadnega, da se njena oblika posledično spreminja s potrebami družbe. Danes je nogomet najbolj razširjen šport in nekaterim ne predstavlja le igre, temveč tudi ideologijo, ki odgovarja na pomembna njihova življenjska vprašanja. S tem na neki način tudi nogomet ustvarja občutke povezanosti in pripadnosti družbi, klubu, navijaškim skupinam, ki se ločijo od drugih s svojimi običaji ali klubskimi barvami. Torej lahko zadovolji potrebe svojih privržencev.

Keywords:Emile Durkheim, ritual, civilna religija, karizma
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[D. Vidmar]
Number of pages:52 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122442 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:45842179 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:11.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Religion and Football: Comparative Analysis : magistrsko delo
Sport and religion are two of the many social and cultural phenomena, and are intertwined. They are cultural universalities and their paths began way back in Ancient Greece. As we know, religion has religious institutions, and similarly sport institutions and organizations developed over time with their own rules, usage and customs. Modern sport is evolving, while the impact of religion as we know it is decreasing and changing as society advances. Due to the intertwining between sport and religion, I highlighted their common characteristics through comparative analysis and by analysing secondary sources, I tried to determine whether football contains functions and feelings that can replace religion. In doing so, the emphasis is on a functionalist approach to religion. Religion also performs the function of social integration, which is important for the operation and existence of society. As a result, it is understandable that the form of religion is changing together with the needs of society. Nowadays, football is one of the most popular sports and for many it is not just a game but an ideology, which answers their important life questions. In this way, football creates the feelings of connection and belonging to a society, to a club, to football supporters' groups, which differ from others in their customs, club colours and sometimes beliefs. Therefore football can meet the needs of his followers.

Keywords:Emile Durkheim, ritual, civil religion, charisma.

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