
Motivacija starejših odraslih za samostojno učenje in neformalno izobraževanje
ID Pepelnik, Tamara (Author), ID Šteh, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava tematiko motivacije, ki jo starejši odrasli izkazujejo za samostojno učenje in neformalno izobraževanje. V teoretičnih izhodiščih je najprej predstavljenih nekaj opredelitev starosti in starejših odraslih, pri čemer sta posebej predstavljena tretje in četrto življenjsko obdobje pri starejših odraslih ter nadalje nekatere značilnosti starejših odraslih. Osrednji del je namenjen učenju in izobraževanju starejših odraslih, v katerem sem se osredotočila na pomen le-tega zanje ter na dejavnike, ki vplivajo na uspešnost njihovega učenja. V končnem delu teoretičnih izhodišč pa sem se osredotočila na motivacijo starejših odraslih za učenje in izobraževanje s poudarkom na dejavnikih, ki nanjo vplivajo. Pri tem so izpostavljeni tudi motivi in potrebe, dejavniki, ki vplivajo na (ne)udeležbo v izobraževanju ter ovire, ki jih starejši odrasli pri tem doživljajo. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne raziskave, ki je bila opravljena s pomočjo intervjujev s šestimi starejšimi odraslimi, ki so upokojeni in stari nad 65 let ter izkazujejo motivacijo za samostojno učenje in/ali za neformalno izobraževanje. Raziskovala sem njihovo življenjsko pot s pomembnimi izkušnjami in prehodi, da sem lažje razumela, zakaj se učijo in izobražujejo. Zanimalo me je, kaj jih motivira za samostojno učenje in kaj za vključevanje v neformalno izobraževanje. Ugotovila sem, da so ključnega pomena tudi dejavniki, ki vplivajo na njihovo motivacijo za učenje in izobraževanje. Poleg tega me je zanimalo tudi s katerimi ovirami se srečujejo pri učenju in/ali izobraževanju ter kateri so morebitni razlogi, da se ne učijo radi samostojno ali da se ne vključujejo v neformalno izobraževanje. V magistrskem delu sem ugotovila, da so lahko starejši odrasli kljub številnim različnim oviram visoko motivirani tako za samostojno učenje, ki ga lahko tudi samouravnavajo, kot tudi za neformalno izobraževanje. Za vse intervjuvane starejše odrasle je najpomembnejši motiv zanimanje, ki se povezuje tudi z njihovimi predhodnimi življenjskimi izkušnjami. Pri tistih, ki se neformalno izobražujejo, je pomemben motiv še druženje. Predvsem pa se je izkazalo, da so tisti starejši odrasli, ki so motivirani za učenje, radovedni, se učijo z veseljem in imajo željo po znanju ter po pridobivanju novih informacij. Ugotavljam, da so ti notranji vzgibi ključnega pomena za vseživljenjsko učenje in izobraževanje posameznikov.

Keywords:starejši odrasli, motivacija, samostojno učenje, neformalno izobraževanje, življenjska pot
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122393 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Motivation of Older Adults for Autonomous Learning and Non-formal Education
The master thesis discusses the theme of motivation that older adults express for autonomous learning and non-formal education. In the theoretical part I firstly present some definitions of age and older adults, focusing mostly on their third and fourth period of life, and afterwards I present some characteristics of older adults. The main part addresses learning and education of older adults. I focused on their meaning for them and on the factors, which affect the efficiency of their learning. And in the last section of the theoretical part I concentrated on the motivation for learning and receiving education of older adults, specifically on the factors, which influence it. I also pointed out the motives and needs, factors, which affect taking part (or not) in the course of education and the obstacles that older adults meet during it. In the empirical part I introduce the results of qualitative research, which was carried out through interviews of six older adults, that are retired, older than 65 years and show motivation for autonomous learning and/or non-formal education. To better understand why they are learning and receiving education, I was researching their life course looking at important experiences and transitions. I was interested in their motivation for autonomous learning and for participating in non-formal education. I have found out that the factors, which affect their motivation for learning and education are of key importance. I was also interested in different obstacles that older adults face while learning and/or taking part in education and possible reasons for unwillingness for autonomous learning or taking part in non-formal education. Through my master thesis, I have established that older adults can be highly motivated for autonomous learning, which they can also self-regulate, as for non-formal education, despite various obstacles. For all the interviewed older adults, the main motivation comes from their interests, linked to their previous life experiences. For the ones that take part in non-formal education, an important reason is also socialising. Above all other things, what was demonstrated was, that older adults, that are motivated for learning, are curious, love to learn and have a desire for knowledge and acquiring new information. My findings show me that these internal reasons are of vital importance for lifelong learning and education of individuals.

Keywords:older adults, motivation, autonomous learning, non-formal education, life course

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