
Prehrana neandertalcev
ID Pečar, Davor (Author), ID Petru, Simona (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je sinteza raziskav s področja prehrane neandertalcev. Pogled na tematiko se je skozi zgodovino močno spreminjal. Prvotni raziskovalci so skušali dognati način prehranjevanja neandertalcev predvsem z analizo živalskih ostankov iz posameznih najdišč. Na podlagi tega so jih opisovali zlasti kot lovce velikih sesalcev ali pa kot mrhovinarje. Z razvojem novih metod kot so analiza stabilnih izotopov, paleonatropologija, molekularna biologija, analiza zobnega kamna in obrabe zob, pa so prišla tudi spoznanja, da so se neandertalci posluževali tudi drugih prehranskih virov, npr. rastlinskih. Splošen zaključek novejših raziskav vseeno ostaja, da so bili neandertlci predvsem lovci, ki so lovili velike sesalce, vendar pa so bili tudi zelo prilagodljivi in so izkoriščali tudi ostale prehranske vire, ki so jim bili v določenem okolju na voljo.

Keywords:neandertalci, paleolitik, lov, prehrana, zobje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122372 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Neanderthal diet
The purpose of this thesis is a synthesis of research in the field of Neanderthal diet. The view of the subject has changed greatly throughout history. The original researchers tried to find out the way Neanderthals ate, mainly by analyzing animal remains from individual sites. Based on this, they were described mainly as hunters of large mammals or as scavengers. With the development of new methods such as stable isotope analysis, paleonatropology, molecular biology, tartar analysis and tooth wear, there have also been findings that Neanderthals also used other food sources, e.g. plant. The general conclusion of recent research, however, remains that Neanderthals were primarily hunters that hunted large mammals, but they were also very adaptable and also exploited other food resources available to them in a particular environment.

Keywords:neanderthals, paleolithic, hunt, diet, teeth

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