
Ešporti‌ ‌kot‌ ‌oglaševalska‌ ‌platforma‌ ‌v‌ ‌Sloveniji‌ : diplomsko delo
ID Zavašnik, Samo (Author), ID Kropivnik, Samo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Iskal sem odgovor na vprašanje o možnostih oglaševanja v ešportih (tudi e-športi), tj. tekmovalnem igranju videoiger in raziskoval doživljanje tovrstnih sporočil s strani udeležencev slovenskih dogodkov. Pregledu teorije in stanja oglaševanja e-športov po svetu ter pri nas, je sledilo pridobivanje odgovorov na raziskovalno vprašanje s pomočjo spletne ankete, poslane izključno udeležencem največjega tovrstnega dogodka v Sloveniji, EPICENTER 16. Kvantitativno sem analiziral 107 odgovorov in ugotovil, da imajo v povprečju vsi zmerno pozitivno naklonjenost sponzorjem dogodkov in bi raje kupili izdelek znamke, ki oglašuje na dogodku. S pomočjo nehierarhičnega združevanja v skupine z metodo voditeljev, sem respondente razvrstil v tri izrazite skupine - Zmerneži, Navdušenci in Fokusiranci. Navkljub majhnemu številu članov v posamezni skupini (N=57), so se le-te odzivale po pričakovanjih, vendar velikost vzorca omejuje posploševanje na populacijo. Nadaljnjo raziskovanje na področju mora biti ali zastavljeno širše in mora poizkusiti empirično zajeti celoten spekter e-športov (ekipe, igralci, turnirji, lige, razvijalci, itn.), ali biti zelo fokusirano in kvalitativno analizirati določen pojav znotraj industrije.

Keywords:e-športi, ešporti, elektronski športi, oglaševanje, videoigre
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Zavašnik]
Number of pages:42 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122355 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:41233411 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.12.2020
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Title:Eports as an advertising platform in Slovenia
I looked at how advertisers can utilize esports (competitive video games) to advertise and the perception of these communication messages in the eyes of attendees of Slovenian gaming events. After analyzing the theory and the current state of esports around the world and in Slovenia, I searched for answers to the research question through an empirical web survey sent exclusively to attendees of the largest esports event in Slovenia, EPICENTER 16. Quantitative analysis of 107 respondents finds that on average, all respondents have slightly positive sympathy to sponsors of events and they would prefer to buy a product from an advertiser at the esports event in question. Through non-hierarchical clustering, I grouped the respondents in three distinct groups - “Moderates”, “Enthusiasts” and “Focuseds”. Although the number of cluster members was small (N=57), they responded in accordance with expectations, although the small total sample size limits generalizations to a wider population. Further research on the field has to either be broader and try to empirically cover the whole esports ecosystem (teams, players, tournaments, leagues, developers, etc.), or be very focused and qualitatively analyze an aspect of the esports industry.

Keywords:esports, electronic sports, advertising, video games

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