
Odnos dijakov do odstranjevanja invazivnih tujerodnih vrst
ID Medved, Alenka (Author), ID Zidar, Primož (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Torkar, Gregor (Comentor)

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Invazivne tujerodne vrste (ITV) predstavljajo enega izmed glavnih razlogov za upadanje biotske raznovrstnosti po svetu, človek pa ključnega krivca v celotnem procesu biološke invazije. Pri problematiki ITV so pomembne tako ekološka in ekonomska plat kot tudi družbena komponenta. Do zakasnitev in težav pri upravljanju z ITV lahko pride zato, ker nekatere invazivne in potencialno invazivne vrste določenim interesnim skupinam prinašajo korist ali pa njihovo odstranjevanje ni skladno s stališči in odnosom posameznikov. Za uspešnejšo preprečevanje naselitev tujerodnih vrst, nadzor in zatiranje ITV je pomembno sodelovanje splošne javnosti ter njeno razumevanje problematike, saj se je v preteklosti že zgodilo, da so ostra nasprotovanja posameznih skupin privedla do prepoznega ukrepanja. S kvantitativno raziskavo na vzorcu 228 srednješolcev splošnih gimnazij smo s pomočjo anketnega vprašalnika poskušali ugotoviti, kakšen odnos imajo slovenski dijaki do odstranjevanja in različnih načinov zatiranja invazivnih in potencialno invazivnih tujerodnih vrst, in s tem dobiti vpogled v odnos dijakov do problematike, prispevati k bolj specifičnemu in učinkovitejšemu ozaveščanju ter posledično hitrejšemu odzivanju na nove naselitve tujerodnih vrst. Rezultati so pokazali, da velika večina dijakov podpira manj agresivne in po njihovem mnenju bolj »humane« načine odstranjevanja invazivnih tujerodnih živali ter se v veliki meri ne strinja z usmrtitvijo odraslih osebkov. Pri odstranjevanju invazivnih tujerodnih rastlin podpirajo mehanične metode in se ne strinjajo s kemičnimi. Več kot polovica dijakov ne podpira odstranjevanja ITV s pozitivnimi vplivi na človeka. Ne moremo trditi, da bi dijaki, ki ITV poznajo oziroma so zanje že slišali, tudi bolj podpirali odstranjevanje vseh ITV, ampak prihaja do razlik med ITV živali in rastlin. Pričakovano se pojavljajo tudi razlike v podpori odstranjevanja ITV živali in rastlin, pri čemer so dijaki manj zainteresirani za odstranjevanje živali, še posebej vretenčarjev.

Keywords:invazivne tujerodne vrste
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122130 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:39020547 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.12.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Attitude of secondary school pupils toward the removal of invasive alien species
Invasive non-native species (INS) are one of the key reasons for a biodiversity loss worldwide with the entire biological invasion process being mainly human-caused. When discussing the issue of INS, both the ecological and economical side as well as the social component are important. The delay or problems in managing INS can be caused by the fact that some invasive or potentially invasive species can be beneficial to some interest groups or that their removal is not in line with the principles and beliefs of individuals. To be more successful in preventing non-native species from spreading and in managing and controlling INS, it is important that the general public cooperates and understands the problem, as it has happened before that strong opposition from some groups led to action to be taken too late. The aim of this quantitative research with 228 secondary school pupils, using a questionnaire, was to determine the attitude of Slovene secondary school pupils towards eradication and various ways of controlling invasive and potentially invasive non-native species. This would lead to determining their attitude towards this issue, contribute towards a more specific and effective promoting of awareness and consequently towards a faster response to new cases of non-native species. The results show that the majority of pupils support less aggressive and – according to their opinion – more “humane” forms of eradicating invasive non-native animals and mostly do not support killing adult specimens. In relation to eradication of invasive non-native plants, they support mechanical methods and do not support chemical ones. More than half of the pupils do not support eradicating INS that have a positive effect on humans. It cannot be claimed that pupils who know INS or have heard of them express more support for eradication of all INS; there is a difference between INS of animals and INS of plants. As expected, there is also a difference in the degree of support of eradicating INS of animals and INS of plants, with pupils showing less interest in eradicating animals, especially vertebrate animals.

Keywords:invasive non-native species

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