
Hidrodinamske fluktuacije v Gubserjevem toku
ID Lemut, Timotej (Author), ID Grozdanov, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V delu študiramo fluktuacije v Gubserjevem toku, ki predstavlja model širjenja kvark-gluonske plazme po trku dveh masivnih ionov pri visokih energijah. Najprej predstavimo sodoben pogled na hidrodinamiko, zapišemo relativistične hidrodinamske enačbe in predstavimo obravnavo fluktuacij v relativistični hidrodinamiki. Opišemo nekaj lastnosti konformne hidrodinamike in predstavimo dva modela širjenja kvark-gluonske plazme po trku, Bjorkenov in Gubserjev tok. Z upoštevanjem termičnih fluktuacij izračunamo popravke k pričakovani vrednosti tenzorja energije in gibalne količine v primeru Gubserjevega toka. Dobimo tri različne prispevke, dva ki renormalizirata gostoto energije in viskoznost ter končen popravek, ki v korelatorje fluktuacij vnese dolgočasovne repe.

Keywords:relativistična hidrodinamika, fluktuacije v relativistični hidrodinamiki, konformna relativistična hidrodinamika, Bjorkenov tok, Gubserjev tok, dolgočasovni repi
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122080 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:29912835 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:20.11.2020
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Title:Hydrodynamic fluctuations in the Gubser flow
In the present work we study hydrodynamic fluctuations in the Gubser flow which serves as a model of expansion of quark-gluon plasma in collisions of heavy ion nuclei at high energies. We present a modern view of hydrodynamics, write down the relativistic hydrodynamic equations and describe the treatment of relativistic hydrodynamic fluctuations. We state some properties of conformal hydrodynamics and introduce two models of quark-gluon plasma expansion after the collision, namely the Bjorken and the Gubser flow. In the case of the Gubser flow, we calculate the corrections to the stress-energy tensor expectation value by taking into account thermal fluctuations. We find three different contributions, two that renormalize energy density and viscosity and a finite term that introduces long-time tails into the relaxation of hydrodynamic correlation functions.

Keywords:relativistic hydrodynamics, relativistic hydrodynamic fluctuations, conformal relativistic hydrodynamics, Bjorken flow, Gubser flow, long-time tails

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