
Izvedba NTC (Nikola Tesla Center) učnega programa in njegove koristi v povezavi z nevrološkim in psihološkim razvojem pri učenju angleščine kot tujega jezika v zgodnjem otroštvu
ID Zeilhofer, Ana (Author), ID Skela, Janez (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Pričujoče magistrsko delo se osredotoča na učence v (zelo) zgodnjem otroštvu (1-5 let) in njihovo sposobnost usvajanja in učenja tujega jezika v predšolskem obdobju. Končne ugotovitve temeljijo na nevrologiji in psihologiji v povezavi s pedagogiko, ki temelji na pedagoškem programu NTC (Nikola Testa Center). Številni raziskovalci, kot so to Piaget, Pinter in Singleton, so zelo veliko pripomogli k boljšemu razumevanju procesa usvajanja in učenja tujih jezikov majhnih otrok. Določene izboljšave so bile do sedaj že uvedene v uradni učni program oz. kurikul, vendar potreben napredek še ni bil dosežen. Na srečo so nekatere zasebne ustanove, kot sta Montessori in waldorfska šola, le stopile v korak s časom in razvile naprednejše učne tehnike. Dr. Ranko Rajović, ustanovitelj NTC načina poučevanja, je tudi preučeval začetke poučevanja majhnih otrok in ustvaril program, ki temelji na otrokovem nevrološkem in psihološkem razvoju, pri katerem se otroci nevede učijo s pridobivanjem velike količine informacij. Z uporabo ustreznih orodij in tehnik lahko vzgojitelji prepoznajo otrokov potencial, hkrati pa izkoristijo njihove zmožnosti. Pomembna sprememba kognitivnega in gibalnega razvoja naših otrok temelji na ustreznem izobraževanju učiteljev, vzgojiteljev in staršev. Oni so tisti, ki lahko pomagajo izboljšati novo generacijo učencev, vendar potrebujejo znanje.

Keywords:zelo majhni otroci, učenje tujih jezikov, nevrologija, psihologija, predšolska vzgoja, NTC (Nikola Tesla Center) sistem poučevanja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-122034 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:18.11.2020
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Secondary language

Title:The Implementation of the NTC (Nikola Tesla Centre) Learning System and its Benefits in Relation to Neurological and Psychological Development of (very) Young Learners in EFL Contexts
The present dissertation focuses on (very) young learners (age 1-5) and their ability to acquire and learn foreign languages in their preschool years. The final findings are based on neurology and psychology in connection to pedagogy using the NTC Learning System. Many scholars, such as Piaget, Pinter and Singleton have made great strides to highlight early foreign language acquisition. The mainstream curriculum has tried to implement some changes throughout the years, but has not achieved the much-needed progress. Thankfully, some private institutions, such the Montessori school and the Waldorf school have evolved their teaching techniques. One learning system that uncovered the root behind the young child’s learning, was the NTC (Nikola Tesla Centre) Learning System established by dr. Ranko Rajović. He based his research on the child’s neurological and psychological development and formed a programme where children would be able to learn unknowingly while attaining great amounts of information. Using the appropriate tools and techniques, educators are able to recognise the child’s potential at a very young age while being able to utilise their capabilities. The important change in our children’s cognitive and motor development lies in teachers, nursery teachers and parents provided with proper education and training. They are the ones who could help improve the new generation of learners.

Keywords:very young children, foreign language learning, neurology, psychology, preschool, NTC (Nikola Tesla Centre) Learning System

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