
Odlivanje kipa Angelsko slavje v beton / Kip Angelsko slavje
ID Novak, Petja (Author), ID Frlic, Metod (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šajna, Aljoša (Comentor)

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Bistvo moje magistrske naloge predstavlja izdelovanje kipa v betonu in opis postopka njegove izdelave. Predstavila sem kratko zgodovino betona in njegov razvoj ter možnosti razvoja v prihodnosti. Beton kot gradbeni material je sestavljen iz cementa, agregata in vode ter je star že več kot 2000 let. Poleg jekla je najbolje zastopano konstrukcijsko gradivo zaradi hitre, enostavne in poceni gradnje. Z njim lahko dosegamo velike trdnosti, saj je odporen na staranje in različne zunanje vplive. Za izdelavo svojega kipa Angelsko slavje sem uporabila poseben, v ta namen projektiran samozgoščevalni mikroarmirani beton bele barve, za mešanico katerega smo izbrali naslednje sestavine: beli cement, mikrosiliko, kameno moko, agregat, vodo, superplastifikator in jeklena vlakna. Pri izbiri cementa, mikrosilike, kamene moke in agregata (murskega proda) smo bili še zlasti pozorni na to, da smo poiskali takšne surovine, ki jih odlikujejo izredna čistost in čim bolj bela dekorativna barva. V praktičnem delu naloge sem se osredotočila na opis umetniškega izdelka Angelsko slavje in na miselnega razvoja, ki me je privedel do rotacije teles, ter načina mojega izražanja, stila, linij. Opisala sem razvoj kipa Angelsko slavje ter pripravo in zaščito delovnega prostora, kako sem izdelala konstrukcijo iz železa in lesa. Natančno sem opisovala postopek odlivanja kalupa, njegovega praznjenja in ponovnega sestavljanja ter priprave na vlivanje mikroarmiranega betona. Prav tako sem opisala vlivanje kipa in posledice napake, ki se mi je pripetila. Sledi opis odstranjevanja oz. klesanja kalupa, retuširanje kipa in prevoz le-tega na lokacijo postavitve ter sama postavitev. Povsem na koncu naloge sem povzela še medijske odzive in opisala odprtje razstavljenega kipa.

Keywords:kiparstvo, Forma viva, kip, Angelsko slavje, kalup, beton, odlivanje, cement, agregat, vlakna, magistrska naloga
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Organization:ALUO - Academy of Fine Arts and Design
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121938 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:10.11.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Casting the statue Angelic celebration in concret / Statue of the Angelic celebration
This M.A. thesis focuses on the making of a concrete statue and the description of the manufacturing procedure. I briefly presented the history of concrete and its development, and possibilities for improvement in the future. Concrete as a construction material consists of cement, aggregate, and water, and is more than 2000 years old. Apart from steel, it is the most used building material, as it enables quick, easy, and cheap construction. We can reach high strength with concrete, for it is resistant to aging and various external influences. For casting of the statue Angelic celebration, I used special for this purpose designed fiber reinforced self-compacting concrete of white colour. We chose the following ingredients for the concrete mixture: white cement, white micro silica, limestone filler, whitish aggregate, water, superplasticizer and steal fibres. When selecting cement, limestone filler and aggregate (gravel from Mura), we paid particular attention on purity, clearness and brightness of the colour of the material. In practical part of the thesis, I focus on the description of the work of art Angelic celebration. I also describe the development of the thought process that inspired me to rotate the bodies and brought about my way of expressing myself, my style, and the lines. I described the development of the statue Angelic celebration. I also explained how I prepared and protected the working space and how I made the structure from iron and wood. I described the procedure of mold making, emptying and re-construction, and the preparations for the casting of micro reinforced concrete in detail. Next, I presented the casting of the statue and the consequences of a mistake that occurred. After this, I explained how I removed the mold, retouched the sculpture, and transported it to the location of the installation. I also described the installation itself. Lastly, I summarized the responses from the media and described the unveiling ceremony of the statue exhibition.

Keywords:sculpture, Forma viva, sculpture, Angelic celebration, mould, concrete, casting, cement, aggreate, fiber, MA thesis

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