The master thesis discusses educational publishing and digital learning tools. In the last fifteen years, digital learning tools experienced great progress and made its way into primary and secondary aducation in Slovenia. Our goal was to research the role of the state, Institute for education, and role of the publishing houses in the digitalisation of primary education. For this purpose we prepared timeline of evolution of digital learning tools used in Slovenian primary education. In the empirical part of the master thesis we described and compared digital textbooks created and published by Institute of education and digital textbooks and accompanying learning tools created and published by Rokus Klett Publishing House and Mladinska knjiga Publishing House. We prepared a short survey among teachers to find out how often they use digital learning tools and textbooks and which publisher is the most popular among teachers. The research gave us rough insight into the use of digital learning materials in Slovenian primary schools, but it cannot be considered representative, due to the unsufficient sample of respondents.