This master’s thesis analyzes and compares two historically significant works of classical
rhetoric. With Rhetoric, Aristotle set the foundation for the rhetoric system, as we know today,
while in Institutes of Oratory, Quintilian placed rhetoric at the core of his educational system
intended for raising future leaders and citizen of his time. The inability to separate rhetoric from
teaching brings with itself the question of what role rhetoric plays in education, as well as the
need to analyze to what degree works of classical rhetoric are still relevant to the work of the
contemporary educator – or within the context of this thesis, more specifically – the andragogue.
In the theoretic part, I first present the historical development of rhetoric, as well as the
contemporary views and theories on rhetoric, then I demonstrate the relevance of rhetoric for
the work of contemporary andragogues. In the empirical part, I describe the five indicators,
which help me point out the similarities and differences between Aristotle’s Rhetoric and
Quintilian’s Institutes of Oratory and whi