
Progresivna metodologija informacijskega modeliranja za energijsko prenovo poslovnih stavb : doktorska disertacija
ID Stegnar, Gašper (Author), ID Cerovšek, Tomo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šijanec Zavrl, Marjana (Comentor)

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Podpora odločanju pri projektiranju prenov poslovnih stavb vse bolj temelji na simulacijah rabe energije in uporabi informacijskega modeliranja stavb – BIM (angl. Building Information Modelling), ki omogoča boljše upravljanje projektnih informacij. Projektiranje in izvedba prenove s pristopom BIM zahteva novo organizacijo vlog in procesov projektantskih in izvajalskih podjetij. Neučinkovito vodenje projekta in upravljanje informacij vodita do napak, ponovnih del, zamud in večjih stroškov investicij. V disertaciji smo razvili metodologijo informacijskega modeliranja za energijsko prenovo poslovnih stavb, ki je osnovana na progresivnem pristopu k analizam glede na tipologijo stavb. Progresivni pristop predstavlja postopnost razvoja podrobnosti modelov glede na fazo projekta, analizo, stopnjo podrobnosti informacij in ciljev projekta. Metodologija je integrirana v predlagani procesni diagram, ki predstavlja podatkovne tokove med deležniki v projektu. Proces načrtovanja je podprt s kvalitativno analizo ocenjevanja prizadevanja za pridobivanje dodatnih podatkov za izvedbo dodatnih analiz ter njihovega učinka s stroškovnega in simulacijskega vidika ter z vidika natančnosti. Za ocenjevanje uspešnosti načrtovanja energijske prenove je vzpostavljen sistem kvalitativnih in kvantitativnih kazalnikov uspešnosti, s čimer je mogoče primerjati različne pristope. Validacija progresivnega pristopa je bila izvedena na podlagi izvirne metodologije in primerjana z dejanskim uporabljenim pristopom. Predlagana progresivna metodologija izboljša nadzor nad načrtovanjem ter poveča učinkovitost procesa načrtovanja, natančneje predvidi rabo energije, zniža investicijske stroške, prepreči napake pri načrtovanju in zamude pri gradnji. Disertacija pomeni napredek na področju razvoja načrtovanja energijskih prenov, je v podporo arhitektom in inženirjem pri usklajevanju zahtev strank in načrtov ter rezultatov projektov z jasno opredelitvijo zahtev po informacijah glede na končni cilj.

Keywords:informacijsko modeliranje stavb, energijska učinkovitost, prenova, trajnostno vrednotenje, progresivni pristop, kazalniki uspešnosti projekta, poslovne stavbe
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Publisher:[G. Stegnar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121871 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:37117187 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.11.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Progressive building information modelling methodology for energy renovation of office buildings : doctoral dissertation
To support decision-making in the design process of the energy renovation of office buildings, energy simulations are increasingly being used, and the process itself is supported by the BIM environment. The topic is highly interdisciplinary, it is under development, so any inappropriate allocation of project roles and inappropriate project and information management can lead to a substandard treatment of the building. This often leads to unsatisfactory results of the project, re-works, errors, delays and increased investment. The dissertation introduces an information modelling methodology for the energy renovation of office buildings that is based on a progressive approach to analyses according to the building typology. This approach represents gradual model detail development according to the project phase, analysis, level of information details and goals of the project. The methodology is integrated into the proposed process map in which data flows between the stakeholders in the project are defined. The design process is supported by a qualitative analysis of the estimation of effort for obtaining additional data for additional analyses and its impact on the analysis from the aspect of costs, simulations and accuracy. A system of qualitative and quantitative performance indicators enabling the comparison of different approaches has been developed to evaluate the performance of the energy renovation design. The validation of the progressive approach was carried out on the basis of the original methodology and compared with the actual approach used. The proposed progressive methodology improves the design control and increases the efficiency of the design process, more accurately predicts energy consumption, reduces investment costs, avoids design errors and delays in construction. The dissertation represents progress in the field of energy renovation design and supports architects and engineers in aligning customer requirements with project plans and results by clearly defining information requirements with respect to the end goal.

Keywords:building information modelling, energy efficiency, renovation, sustainability, progressive approach, key performance indicators, office buildings

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