
Resin yield of Pinus nigra and Pinus sylvestris in the Slovenian Karst
ID Gajšek, Domen (Author), ID Brecelj, Miha (Author), ID Jarni, Kristjan (Author), ID Brus, Robert (Author)

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The aim of our research was to study the impact of various environmental factors on the resin production of pines in the Slovenian Karst. Five plots were established % three in Pinus nigra (Arnold) stands and two in Pinus sylvestris (L.) stands. On each plot, the 19-20 most vigorous dominant or codominant trees with a minimum diameter at breast height (DBH) of 20 cm were selected and their resin yield analysed in 2012. Resin yield in P. nigra was considerably higher than that in P. sylvestris. The average resin yield per tree during the study period of 102 days was 1.144 kg for P. nigra and 0.612 for P. sylvestris. There were substantial differences in resin yield among individual trees in the study period: 0.336-2.487 kg for P. nigra and 0.249-1.270 kg for P. sylvestris. The resin yield in P. nigra was considerably higher for the trees with larger DBH, while this was not the case in P. sylvestris. Tree species was the most important factor in resin yield. Increased precipitation resulted in higher resin yields on most plots, whereas better site productivity positively affected resin yield on all P. nigra plots but not on P. sylvestris plots.

Keywords:Black pine, Scots pine, resin production, resin yield, Slovenian Karst
Work type:Article
Typology:1.01 - Original Scientific Article
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publication status:Published
Publication version:Version of Record
Number of pages:Str. 21-28
Numbering:[Št.] 115
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121835 This link opens in a new window
UDC:630*17:630*28(497.4 Kras)(045)=163.6
ISSN on article:2335-3112
DOI:10.20315/ASetL.115.2 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:5125798 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.11.2020
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Record is a part of a journal

Title:Acta Silvae et Ligni
Publisher:Gozdarski inštitut Slovenije, založba Silva Slovenica, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za gozdarstvo in obnovljive gozdne vire, Biotehniška fakulteta, Oddelek za lesarstvo
COBISS.SI-ID:266761216 This link opens in a new window

Secondary language

Title:Donos smole črnega bora (Pinus nigra) in rdečega bora (Pinus sylvestris) na Krasu v Sloveniji
Namen naše raziskave je bil proučiti vpliv različnih dejavnikov na proizvodnjo borove smole na Krasu v Sloveniji. Za ta namen smo določili 5 raziskovalnih ploskev, in sicer tri ploskve v sestojih črnega bora (Pinus nigra Arnold) in dve v sestojih rdečega bora (Pinus sylvestris L.). Proizvodnjo smole smo spremljali v letu 2012, ko smo na vsaki ploskvi izbrali 19 % 20 dominantnih ali kodominantnih dreves z minimalnim prsnim premerom 20 cm. Analiza je pokazala, da je proizvodnja smole pri črnem boru značilno večja kot pri rdečem boru. Povprečna količina smole na drevo v času periodičnega spremljanja 102 dni je pri črnem boru dosegala 1,144 kg in pri rdečem boru 0,612 kg. Variabilnost v proizvodnji smole je bila znotraj vrste velika, pri črnem boru med 0,336 % 2,487 kg in pri rdečem med 0,249 % 1,270 kg. Pri črnem boru je bila količina proizvedene smole v pozitivni povezavi z debelino drevesa, medtem ko pri rdečem boru te odvisnosti nismo potrditi. Na količino smole pri črnem boru pozitivno vpliva produktivnost rastišča. Ugotovili smo, da na smoljenje črnega bora pozitivno vpliva količina padavin, medtem ko višje dnevne temperature dnevni donos smole zmanjšujejo.

Keywords:črni bor, rdeči bor, smolarjenje, donos smole, Kras

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