
Pedagoška vrednost obiska muzeja v prilagojenem programu osnovne šole z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom
ID Rakovec, Anja (Author), ID Kemperl, Metoda (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vrhovski Mohorič, Mojca (Comentor)

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Muzeji niso samo stavbe, ki hranijo pomembne nacionalne artefakte, temveč imajo tudi vzgojno-izobraževalno vlogo. Tega se v sedanjem času kustosi, muzejski pedagogi in učitelji vedno bolj zavedajo in nudijo različne pedagoške in andragoške programe za različne starostne skupine. Pri oblikovanju pedagoških programov pa muzejski delavci velikokrat »spregledajo« učence s posebnimi potrebami, ki obiskujejo osnovno šolo s prilagojenim programom z nižjim izobrazbenim standardom (v nadaljevanju OŠ s PP z NIS). V empiričnem delu magistrskega dela sem se zato v okviru raziskave z učiteljico in petimi učenci iz 8. razreda OŠ s PP z NIS udeležila pedagoškega programa. Zanimalo me je, kako v izbranem muzeju na Gorenjskem izvajajo vodenje muzejskih pedagoških programov za učence oziroma kakšna sta potek in kakovost izvedbe predstavljenega pedagoškega programa, kakšen je potek načrtovanja obiska muzeja pri učiteljici in muzejski pedagoginji ter kakšno je mnenje učiteljice in učencev v OŠ s PP z NIS ter kustosinje – muzejske pedagoginje o pedagoški vrednosti obiska muzeja. Do ugotovitev sem prišla s študijo primera – z opazovanjem pedagoškega programa, intervjujema z učiteljico in muzejsko pedagoginjo in z vprašalniki, ki sem jih razdelila učencem. Z raziskavo sem ugotovila, da izbran pedagoški program za učence, ki obiskujejo OŠ s PP z NIS, ni specialno oblikovan. Bil je samo prilagojen posebnim potrebam učencev. Kljub temu pedagoški program vrednotim pozitivno. Dejavnosti v programu so bile sistematične ter povezane in usklajene z učno snovjo in s posebnimi potrebami učencev. Muzejska pedagoginja in učiteljica pri sodelovanju poudarjata pomen izmenjave pomembnih informacij, kot so posebne potrebe, število učencev ter vsebina. Učiteljica je za obisk vodenega ogleda muzeja izdelala načrt, v katerem je določila število učencev, pot in izvajalca vodenja. Muzejska pedagoginja pedagoške programe načrtuje v skladu z učnimi načrti. Rezultati raziskave kažejo tudi, da so vsi udeleženci raziskave (učenci, učiteljica in muzejska pedagoginja) obisk muzeja doživeli pozitivno. Muzejska pedagoginja in učiteljica sta velik pomen pri učenju v muzeju pripisali drugemu pedagogu, interdisciplinarnosti ter neposredni izkušnji z muzejskimi predmeti. Učenci so izpostavili, da so se naučili veliko novega o učni snovi in da jim je snov po obisku muzeja bolj razumljiva. Z magistrskim delom želim doprinesti nova spoznanja za razumevanje vrednosti obiska muzeja za učence v OŠ s PP z NIS, kar je v slovenskem prostoru manj raziskana tema in s tem prispevati k razvoju muzejskega in šolskega izobraževanja učencev z LMDR.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121718 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:33833987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:27.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Educational value of visiting the museum in a lower educational standard programme
Museums are not only buildings that preserve important national artifacts, but they also have an educational role. Curators, museum pedagogues and teachers are now being increasingly aware of this and for this reason offer various programs for different age groups of visitors. However, when designing educational programs, museum workers often "overlook" students with special needs who attend special school. Therefore, in empirical part of this master thesis, I participated with a teacher and five students from the 8th grade of a special school in a museum program. In my research I was interested in many aspects starting with how the selected museum in Gorenjska region designs museum programs for students with special needs, what is the course and quality of the chosen program, what is the course of planning a visit to the museum with a teacher and museum pedagogue and what is the opinion of a teacher in special school and museum pedagogue on the educational value of visiting a museum. I came to the conclusions through a case study - by observing the program, interviews with the teacher and the museum pedagogue, and with the questionnaires that I distributed to the students. Research has shown that the selected museum program for students attending special schools is not specially designed. It was only adjusted to the special needs of the students. Despite that, I evaluate the program positively. The activities in the program were systematic and related with the teaching content and the special needs of the students. For achievement of effective cooperation of museums and special schools, both the museum pedagogue and teacher emphasize, the importance of exchanging important information, such as special needs, the number of students and the teaching content. The teacher's plan for the guided visit of the museum included the number of students, the route and the guide. The museum pedagogue plans programs in accordance with the curricula. Research also shows that all participants in the research (students, teacher and museum pedagogue) experienced a visit to the museum positively. The museum pedagogue and teacher placed a great importance on another pedagogue, interdisciplinary and direct experience with museum objects when learning in the museum. The students pointed out, that they had learned a lot and that after visiting the museum they better understand the teaching content. With my master's thesis I want to give new insights to understanding the value of visiting the museum for students in special schools, which is a less researched topic in Slovenia and also contribute to the development of museum and school education of students with special needs.


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