
Seizmični stresni test z nepopolnimi podatki o stavbi : doktorska disertacija
ID Jamšek, Aleš (Author), ID Dolšek, Matjaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Razvili smo nelinearne modele z upoštevanjem bistvenih prostostnih stopenj za simulacijo etažnega odziva pretežno tlorisnosimetričnih armiranobetonskih stavb pri izbranem potresnem gibanju tal. Ker so novi modeli poenostavljeni, smo njihovo sposobnost validirali za izbrane primere okvirnih stavb, za okvirno stavbo s polnili in za stenasto-okvirno stavbo. Za devet analiziranih stavb, od katerih so bile štiri psevdodinamično testirane, smo ugotovili, da so poenostavljeni nelinearni modeli ob pogoju popolnega poznavanja stavbe izkazali zadovoljivo natančnost za izvedbo potisne analize in nelinearne dinamične analize, poleg tega pa so tudi časovno učinkoviti in robustni. Posledično so novi nelinearni modeli uporabni za analizo potresnega tveganja in izgub na osnovi poškodovanosti, ki je ocenjena neposredno iz rezultatov nelinearne dinamične analize. Poenostavljene modele obravnavanih stavb smo uporabili za izvedbo seizmičnih stresnih testov, ki smo jih razširili v domeni zanesljivosti, s čimer smo preučevali vpliv nepopolnega poznavanja stavbe na izid testa. Razvili smo tri nove nivoje zanesljivosti stresnega testa. Predlagane stresne teste smo izvedli za novejšo in starejšo armiranobetonsko okvirno stavbo in rezultate predstavili v obliki potresne izkaznice, ki temelji na sedemstopenjskem sistemu ocenjevanja in upošteva vpliv verjetnosti porušitve stavbe in pričakovane ekonomske izgube. Izid stresnega testa za drugi in tretji nivo zanesljivosti je bil identičen izidu stresnega testa, ki smo ga določili z uporabo konvencionalnih nelinearnih modelov stavb. Precej primerljive rezultate stresnega testa smo dobili tudi za prvi nivo. Zato ocenjujemo, da bi lahko z nekaterimi dodatnimi raziskavami vse tri nivoje seizmičnega stresnega testa vpeljali v prakso.

Keywords:poenostavljeni nelinearni model, model IFB, potresna analiza, potresno tveganje, stresni test, podatki o stavbi, nivo zanesljivosti
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Typology:2.08 - Doctoral Dissertation
Organization:FGG - Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Jamšek]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121576 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:33685763 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Seismic stress test with incomplete building data : doctoral dissertation
The simplified nonlinear models for the simulation of the storey response for selected seismic ground motion of predominantly plan-symmetrical reinforced concrete buildings with consideration of the main degrees of freedom were developed. Because the new models are simplified, they were validated for selected frame buildings, frame building with infills and wall-frame building. For nine different analysed buildings, four of which were pseudo-dynamically tested, the pushover analysis and nonlinear analysis can be performed with sufficient accuracy with the simplified nonlinear models. The new models are time efficient and robust. Consequently, they can be utilized for the seismic risk and loss analysis based on a direct assessment of damages considering the results of nonlinear dynamic analysis. The simplified models of the analysed buildings were utilized for performing the seismic stress tests, which were extended in the reliability domain for the study of the impact of the incomplete building data on the test outcome. Three new reliability levels of the stress test were developed. The proposed stress tests were performed for a contemporary and older reinforced concrete frame building and the results were presented in the form of a seismic certificate based on the seven-level grading system. The grading system considers the probability of building collapse and expected economic losses. The outcome of the stress test for the second and third reliability level was identical to the outcome of the stress test, which was determined with the conventional nonlinear building model. Quite comparable outcomes of the stress test were also obtained for the first level. Therefore, with some additional research, all three levels of the seismic stress test could be introduced in practice.

Keywords:simplified nonlinear model, IFB model, seismic analysis, seismic risk, stress test, building data, reliability level

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