
Koncentracije niklja v tleh in izbranih kmetijskih rastlinah na flišnih tleh Primorske
ID Mohar, Luka (Author), ID Grčman, Helena (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrski nalogi smo želeli ovrednotiti koncentracije niklja v izbranih vrtninah z območij z naravno povečanimi koncentracijami te kovine v tleh. Želeli smo tudi ugotoviti, ali so izbrane vrtnine primerne za uživanje. Koncentracijo kovine smo izmerili v užitnih delih vrtnin v tehnološki zrelosti. Izbrali smo 5 različnih lokacij na območju slovenske Istre in 2 lokaciji na območju Vipavske doline, kjer imamo naravno povišane vsebnosti niklja v tleh. Srednja vrednost (mediana) za nikelj v koncentracija Ni v vrtninah je v razponu od 0,82 mg/kg SS (jajčevec) do 12,30 mg/kg SS (blitva), povprečna koncentracija Ni je 3,08 mg/kg SS. Ugotovili smo, da ima na koncentracijo niklja v užitnih delih vrtnin vpliv vrsta zelenjave; največ Ni se akumulira pri listnati zelenjavi, najmanj pri plodovkah. Izračunali smo tudi bioakumulacijske faktorje in naredili oceno izpostavljenosti niklju preko uživanja izbranih vrtnin iz območja slovenske Istre in Vipavske doline. Največji povprečni bioakumulacijski faktor smo izmerili pri blitvi - 0,2440, najmanjši pa pri jajčevcih - 0,0136. Pri izračunu izpostavljenosti splošne populacije Ni preko uživanja preučevanih vrtnin iz slovenske Istre in Vipavske doline smo uporabili podatke o porabi zelenjave v Sloveniji iz leta 2015 ter podatke o koncentraciji niklja v izbranih vrtninah. Za izračun izpostavljenosti niklju s proučevanimi vrtninami smo koncentracije Ni preračunali v svežo snov; podatke o vsebnosti vode smo pridobili v obsežni zbirki podatkov za prehranske vrednosti v živilih. Ocenjeno izpostavljenost Ni preko uživanja izbrane zelenjave iz slovenske Istre smo primerjali z oceno izpostavljenosti zaradi uživanja povprečne evropske zelenjave. Izpostavljenost zaradi uživanja izbranih vrst zelenjave iz slovenske Istre je 0,58766 μg Ni/kg t.m./dan in je za 26 % večja v primerjavi z izpostavljenostjo preko uživanja istovrstne evropske zelenjave.

Keywords:analiza tal, sprejem v vrtnine, nikelj, geogeni izvor, fliš, antropogeni izvor, vsebnost v tleh, bioakumulacijski faktor, izpostavljenost
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Publisher:[L. Mohar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121422 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:32526339 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:09.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Concentrations of nickel in soil and selected agricultural plants in the region of Primorska
In this master thesis we wanted to evaluate the concentration of nickel in the selected vegetables from the areas with the natural increased concentrations of this metal in the ground. We also wanted to find out if the selected vegetables are suitable for consumption. We measured the concentration of the metal in the eatable parts of vegetables during the technological ripeness. We chose five different locations in the area of Slovenian Istria and two locations in the area of Vipava valley where the natural increased values of nickel are found on the ground. Middle value (median) of Ni in vegetables is in the range from 0,82 mg/kg dw (eggplant) to 12,30 mg/kg dw (mangold/chard), the average concentration of Ni is 3,06 mg/kg dw. We found out that the type of vegetable ha san effect on nickel concentration in the edible parts of vegetables. Ni is accumulated in leafy vegetables, the least in fruits. We also calculated the bioaccumulation factors and made an assessment of exposure of general population to Ni through the consumption of the studied vegetables from Slovenian Istria and the Vipava valley we used the data about the use of vegetables in Slovenia from the year 2015 and the data about the concentration of nickel in the selected vegetables. For the calculation of exposure of the studied vegetables to nickel we recalculated the concentrations of Ni to fresh substance, and the data of water content were obtained from the extensive database for the nutritional values in foods. We compared the estimated exposure to Ni through the consumption of selected vegetables from Slovenian Istria and the estimated exposure of the consumption of the average European vegetables. The exposure, because of eating selected types of vegetables from Slovenian Istria, is 0,58766 μg Ni/kg b.w./day and it is for 26% bigger compared to the exposure through the consumption of the same type of European vegetables.

Keywords:soil analyses, vegetable uptake, nickel, natural source, flysch, antrophogenic source, content in soil, bioaccumulation factor, exposure

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