
Uporabniška perspektiva opuščanja psihiatričnih zdravil
ID Grbec, Helena (Author), ID Dekleva, Bojan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/6464/ This link opens in a new window

Magistrsko delo obravnava proces opuščanja prihofarmakov z vidika uporabnikov. V teoretičnem uvodu delo obravnava zgodovinski kontekst psihiatrije predvsem v luči pojava psihofarmakoloških zdravil in njegovega vpliva na oblikovanje sodobnih psihiatričnih storitev. V nadaljevanju se posveča opredelitvi psihofarmakov, njihovega delovanja in učinkov, čemur sledi umestitev koncepta osebnega okrevanja od težav v duševnem zdravju z gledišča psihosocialnega modela ter dosedanja spoznanja o opuščanju psihofarmakov. Namen magistrskega dela je bolje spoznati, kako osebe, ki uporabljajo psihofarmakološka zdravila, le-ta opuščajo, ne glede na to ali imajo pri tem podporo psihiatrov in drugih strokovnih delavcev ali pa so se na to pot podali sami (brez podpore). Empirični del je sestavljen iz kvalitativnega in kvantitativnega pristopa. V kvantitativni del je bilo s spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom zajetih 124 oseb, ki so opustile, trenutno opuščajo ali pa so nekdaj opuščale psihofarmake, sedaj pa jih redno jemljejo. Znotraj kvalitativnega dela je bilo izvedenih osem intervjujev. Podatki, pridobljeni s spletnim anketnim vprašalnikom so bili obdelani v statističnem programu, intervjuji pa so bili vsebinsko analizirani. Ugotovitve kvalitativnega dela kažejo, da gre pri odločitvi za opuščanje psihofarmakov za kompleksen preplet različnih dejavnikov, ki proces bodisi omogočajo bodisi ovirajo: osebna naravnanost, pretekle izkušnje z opuščanjem, strahovi, pritiski okolice, oblike podpore, itd. Rezultati kvantitativne analize kažejo na to, da je opuščanje težavneje za osebe, ki psihofarmake uporabljajo dalj časa. Obenem te osebe doživljajo tudi bolj neprijetne in težavne odtegnitvene učinke.

Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121392 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31392771 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.10.2020
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Title:User's perspective on coming off psychiatric drugsPovzetek:
The subject of this master’s thesis is the process of coming off psychiatric drugs from the user's point of view. The theoretical section describes the historical context of psychiatry mainly in light of the appearance of psychiatric drugs and its impact on the design of modern psychiatric services. It goes on to define psychopharmaceuticals, their actions and effects, and outlines the concept of personal recovery from mental health problems from the point of view of the psychosocial model and the current knowledge about the process of coming off psychiatric drugs. The purpose of the master's thesis is to better understand how people who use psychiatric drugs come off them, regardless of whether they have the support of psychiatrists and other professionals or have set out on this path themselves (without support). The empirical part consists of a qualitative and quantitative approach. The quantitative part was comprised of an online questionnaire with a sample of 124 people who have come off, are currently coming off, or used to come off psychiatric drugs, but are now taking them regularly. Eight interviews were conducted within the qualitative part. The data obtained from the online questionnaire were processed in the statistical program, and the interviews were analyzed in terms of content. The findings of qualitative work show that the decision to come off psychiatric drugs is a complex intertwining of various factors that either enable or hinder the process: personal orientation, past experiences with coming off drugs, fears, environmental pressures, forms of support, etc. The results of the quantitative analysis suggest that coming off psychiatric drugs is more difficult for people who have used them for longer periods of time. At the same time, these individuals also experience more unpleasant and difficult withdrawal effects.


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