
Krize na poti v prvo svetovno vojno: pomen diplomatskih tokov in političnih ureditev pri sprejemanju ključnih odločitev : pomen diplomatskih tokov in političnih ureditev pri sprejemanju ključnih odločitev
ID Gabrovec, Miha (Author), ID Vuga Beršnak, Janja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomske naloge je raziskati pomen diplomatskih tokov med odločevalci posameznih držav in političnih sistemov teh držav, in sicer v krizah neposredno pred začetkom prve svetovne vojne. Osrednje raziskovalno vprašanje je, kako so komunikacije med posameznimi akterji in njihove odločitve vplivale na razvoj dogodkov, ki so pripeljali do prve svetovne vojne. Vzrok, zakaj preučevati krizna dogajanja zgodovinsko dokaj oddaljene prve svetovne vojne, pa tiči v dejstvu, da nam ta čas ponudi izjemno raznolikost političnih ureditev ter posledično znotrajdržavnih delitev moči ter sistemov odločanja na eni strani, po drugi pa je obdobje umeščeno v čas, ki ponudi precej specifične komunikacijske mehanizme z raznolikimi lastnostmi. Tako smo priča namenskemu onemogočanju diplomatskih komunikacij, kakor tudi nenamerno onemogočeno pravočasno komuniciranje, preprosto zaradi nezadostnosti metod prenosa informacij. Diplomska naloga se deli na dva dela. V teoretičnem se ukvarjam predvsem s pojmoma kriznega komuniciranja in odločanja, kot deloma kriznega upravljanja in vodenja, dotaknem pa se tudi komunikacijsko-informacijske tehnologije in drugih sredstev prenosa informacij, saj so le-ti ključni za komunikacijo. Nadalje pa opredelim tudi pojem političnih sistemov ter izpostavim ključne specifične lastnosti političnih sistemov tistega časa. V empiričnem delu pa poskušam z deskriptivno analizo sekundarnih in terciarnih virov opisati povezavo med odločitvami velesil ter okoliščinami le-teh ter političnimi sistemi in diplomatskimi tokovi. Pri čemer bo poudarek predvsem na ciljih posameznih odločevalcev pri sprejemanju odločitev, razpoložljivost sredstev kriznega komuniciranja ter reakciji glede na predhodne odločitve preostalih akterjev

Keywords:diplomatski tokovi, krizno komuniciranje, odločanje, politični sistemi, kriza
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FDV - Faculty of Social Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Gabrovec]
Number of pages:53 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121325 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:37530371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Crises on the path to World War One: importance of diplomatic flows and regimes on key decision-making : diplomsko delo
The intention of the thesis is to conduct a research on influence of diplomatic flows between decision makers of individual countries and regimes of these coutries, in crises directly before the start of the World War One. Thesis is found around the key question, how did communications between individual actors and their decisions influence the development of events which led to World War One. The reason behind interest of conducting a research on this historically distant subject, can be found in fact, that this period offers us great diversity of regimes and consequently interstate divisions of power and systems of decision-making and from the other perspective also very specifical communicational mechanisms with various characteristics. As we research the events of pre-World War One crisis, we can encounter both – intetional denial or crippling of diplomatic communications, as we also encounter unintentional denial or crippling of diplomatic communications. Thesis consist of two parts – in theoretical I am trying to define the concept of crisis comunication and decision-making as part of crisis management, while I also need to mention communication-information technology and other means of information transfer, as they are crucial for communication itself. Up next I am also defining the concept of regimes, and point out key specific characteristics regimes of time. In second, empirical part, I will use descriptive analysis of secondary and tertiary sources to try to describe the connection between decisions of superpowers and their circumstances and regimes and diplomatic flow. I will emphasize my research on goals of each decision-maker when making decisions, availability of means of crisis communication and reaction to pre-made decisions of other actors.

Keywords:diplomatic flow, crisis comunication, decisionmaking, regimes, crisis

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