
Razširjenost in osveščenost ljudi glede telerehabilitacije v Sloveniji : diplomsko delo
ID Zagorec, Vanja (Author), ID Zupan, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Debeljak, Mojca (Comentor), ID Moharić, Metka (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Zaradi naraščanja deleža invalidov in starejših je pomembno, da najdemo rešitve, ki bi jim omogočile čim bolj samostojno življenje in vključevanje v družbo. Ena izmed teh rešitev je uporaba informacijsko-komunikacijske tehnologije. Želja po potrebi in uporabi le-te je v prej omejenih skupinah velika, vendar pa tehnologije proizvajalci ne prilagajajo dovolj. Komisija EU o e-dostopnosti poudarja, da so nove tehnologije omogočile samostojno izvajanje dejavnosti, pri katerih so invalidi in starejši ljudje prej potrebovali pomoč. Namen: Namen diplomske naloge je bil ugotoviti, v kakšni meri je do sedaj razširjena telerehabilitacija v Sloveniji, v kolikšni meri se uporablja ter koliko so prebivalci osveščeni o tej tematiki. Namen je bil pregledati obstoječo literaturo in izvesti kratko anketo, s katero sem pridobila informacije zakaj je rehabilitacija na daljavo koristna in kakšno je trenutno stanje na tem področju v naši državi. S tem želim vzpodbuditi strokovnjake, zdravnike in terapevte, da nadaljujejo z delom na tem področju in ga poskušajo vključiti v vsakodnevni program obravnave rehabilitantov. Metode dela: Uporabljeni sta bili dve metodi dela: deskriptivna oziroma opisna za teoretični del naloge – uporabljen je bil pregled domače in tuje literature ter kavzalna oziroma neeksperimentalna metoda za raziskovalni del. Spletna anketa, ki je bila aktivna dva meseca, je zajemala 13 vprašanj. Bila je deljena s pomočjo elektronske pošte in družbenih omrežij. Sodelovanje je bilo anonimno in prostovoljno. Rezultati: Za izdelavo deskriptivnega dela diplomske naloge je bilo uporabljenih 34 različnih virov. Do njih sem dostopala preko spletne strani Google Scholar, ki me je vodila do različnih baz podatkov. Spletno dostopnih virov je bilo 35, od tega 19 slovenskih – 14 člankov in 5 spletnih strani, ter 16 tujih. Uporabljeni članki so bili v večini uporabljeni za teoretični del diplomske naloge. V člankih so bile opisane raziskave na področju telemedicine in telerehabilitacije. Te so vključevale opis rehabilitacije, opremo in rezultate. Le redki članki so bili uporabni za pridobitev rezultatov na področju telemedicine in telerehabilitacije v Sloveniji. Skupno sem prejela 284 izpolnjenih anket, od tega je bilo delno izpolnjenih 43. Rezultati ankete so pokazali, da je trenutno malo število prebivalcev Slovenije seznanjenih s telemedicino (28%), si pa večina (85%) želi o tej temi izvedeti več. Razprava in sklep: Razvoj telerehabilitacijskih storitev je lahko ena od rešitev za razbremenitev zdravstvenega sistema in vseh vključenih v njega. Nekatere telerehabilitacijske storitve so sicer že dobro razvite, se pa ne uporabljajo, ker so prebivalci premalo seznanjeni z njimi. To so na primer razne vadbe – terapije na daljavo, videokonference s terapevti in podobno. Vsi delavci na področju zdravstva bi morali paciente bolj množično osveščati o načinih rehabilitacije in zdravljenja na daljavo, saj bi s tem lahko prihranili času in denar.

Keywords:diplomska dela, ortotika in protetika, telerehabilitacija, telemedicina, razširjenost, Slovenija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[V. Zagorec]
Number of pages:37 str., [4] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-121320 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:31514115 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:04.10.2020
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Secondary language

Title:Prevalence and awareness of people about telerehabilitation in Slovenia : final thesis
Introduction: Due to the increase of people with disabilities and the elderly, it is important to find solutions that will give them the ability to live their lives independent and integrate into society as much as possible. One of the solutions is the use of information and communication technology. The desire and need of using these technologies is very high in previously mentioned groups, but the manufacturers do not adapt the technology enough, so they can use it. The European Union Commission on e-accessibility points out, that new technologies make it possible for those people to live their lives more independently, even if they previously have needed human assistance. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis was to determine the spread to which telerehabilitation in Slovenia has been extended so far, how much it is used and how well people in Slovenia are aware of this topic. The purpose was also to review the existing literature and conduct a short survey, with which I gained information on why telerehabilitation is useful, what is the current situation on this topic in our country. With this thesis I want to encourage professionals, medical doctors and therapists to continue working on telemedicine and telerehabilitation and to try to integrate it into their daily treatment program. Methods: Two methods were used: descriptive for the theoretical part – a review of literature, and a non-experimental method (survey) for the research part. The survey was active for two months and was composed of 13 questions. It was shared with others with the help of email and social media. The participation was anonymous and voluntary. Results: There were 35 different literature sources used to write the descriptive part of the thesis. I accessed them through the website Google Scholar, which led me to various databases. There were 33 articles online, 19 of them were in Slovenian language - 14 articles and 5 websites, and 16 were foreign. Most of the articles were used for the theoretical part of the thesis. The articles were describing research in the field of telemedicine and telerehabilitation. This included the description of the rehabilitation process, equipment and effieciency. Only few of them could be used for acquisition of the results in the field of telemedicine and telerehabilitation in Slovenia. In total, I received 284 completed surveys, of which 43 were partially completed. The results from the survey have showed, that only a low number (28%) of Slovenians are familiar with telemedicine. Most of them (85%) said, that they would like to find out more about this topic. Discussion and conclusion: The development of telerehabilitation services can be one of the solutions to relieve our medical system. While some services are already well developed, they are not widely in use because the population is not familiar enough with the topic. These are, for example, various exercises – therapies at home, videoconferences with therapists etc. All healthcare professionals should give out more information to the patients about other ways of telerehabilitation and telehealth.

Keywords:diploma theses, orthotics and prosthetics, telerehabilitation, telemedicine, prevalence, Slovenia

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